How to Calm Your Hyperactive Russian Blue Cat [ Best Tips]

Calm Your Hyperactive Russian Blue Cat

Has your Russian Blue cat seemingly randomly started running around your house, chasing or attacking you, or simply displayed restlessness? These are all signs of a hyperactive cat.

So, if your Russian Blue cat is hyperactive and disrupting the peace in your home at random times, how can you calm them down? The answer lies in first understanding the reason why your Russian Blue cat is acting hyper. The second is to spend more time with them and ensuring that they burn up all of their pent up energy.

However, oftentimes it really is different strokes for different folks when it comes to calming your Russian Blue cat. Hence, before I tell you the different ways you can subdue your cat, let us understand more about these beautiful, graceful cats.

Are Russian Blues Generally Hyperactive Cats?

Russian Blue cats are known for having very calm and quiet demeanors. They are typically not hyperactive, even with those that they are comfortable with.

For instance, Russian Blue cats are generally reserved around strangers. So, do not be surprised if your affectionate and friendly Russian Blue acts coy around strangers. Hence, it is highly unlikely that your Russian Blue will act hyperactive around strangers.

However, if your Russian Blue is hyperactive around you or other people that your cat is familiar with, then there is probably a reason for this.

Why is Your Russian Blue Cat Getting Hyper?

There are different factors that can provoke your Russian Blue cat to get hyperactive. This hyperactive behavior usually includes them running around the house, meowing for prolonged periods, darting about the room, and chasing random things including you! So, let us look at some of the reasons why your cat may be displaying this type of behavior.

1. Age

The first and most obvious reason for your Russian Blue cat’s hyperactivity could be their age. It is common knowledge that younger animals are more likely to be hyperactive. Hence, if your cat is not a kitten anymore, i.e. they are over 6 months old, then you will definitely want to keep reading to find out how to calm your Russian Blue cat!

However, hyperactivity in older cats is also a possibility due to the two reasons listed below.

a. Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome (FHS)

FHS is a major reason why your Russian Blue might be getting hyperactive. This syndrome is also more prevalent in mature cats. Some of the telling signs of FHS are that the skin on your cat’s back seems to ripple whenever he or she is running, petting your cat’s back causes them to scratch or bite the petted area aggressively and start running, etc.

Hence, if any of the aforementioned signs of FHS appear, then you should consult with a reputable veterinarian as soon as possible!

b. Senility

As your Russian Blue ages, they may start displaying senility, which could cause them to also display odd behaviors. And as you may have guessed by now, this odd behavior could possibly include being over-active.

2. Predatory Instincts

Your Russian Blue cat’s natural predatory instincts could also be another reason for its hyperactivity. Although this may not be apparent at first, their hyperactive behaviors could actually be them simply exhibiting their instincts to hunt, fight, or escape.

3. Boredom or Loneliness

Boredom and loneliness are usually the cause of hyperactive behavior in your Russian Blue cat too. For instance, if you leave them at home all day without any toys then they will get bored or feel lonely, which will, in turn, provoke them to start getting hyperactive in order to burn up their pent-up energy.

Hence, the solution here is to leave them at home with plenty of cat toys, especially ones that will keep them mentally stimulated too since Russian Blues love to be mentally occupied too! Such toys include DIY Catnip toys, laser pointers, food puzzles, cat charmers, crinkle balls, or even a ball of yarn!

4. Fleas

Sometimes hyperactivity in your Russian Blue could be because it has flea bites or an itch that it cannot scratch. Hence, if you have ruled out age, predatory instincts, and boredom as the causes for your Blue’s hyperactivity and your Blue is meowing a lot more often, then it could have fleas.

However, to confirm that this is the case, you will want to consult with your veterinarian and take the necessary measures to rid your Blue of fleas and your house too!

Tips to Calm Your Hyperactive Russian Blue Cat

Every cat is different from the next. However, as Russian Blues are a generally intelligent and calm cat breed, here are some tips you can use to calm your Russian Blue that much quicker.

1. Understanding your Russian Blue Cat’s Behavior

The most important tips for calming your hyperactive Russian Blue is to understand their behavior. Why are they behaving this way? What is triggering them to behave this way?

Experts say that every vocalization or gesture that your cat makes means something. So, the simplest way of understanding your Russian Blue is to observe them and take mental notes. Did your Blue meow when s/he entered a particular room? When you presented your Blue with a particular toy, did s/he run away?

Hence, by answering such questions, you will slowly get to know your Russian Blue and understand their behavior better. This will then help you to understand what might be causing them to get hyperactive.

2. Console your Russian Blue but Do Not Go Overboard

The best way to approach your Russian Blue when they seem to be upset or overactive is to think like them. Because humans often think like humans and think that giving their cat a hug will make it better, an upset cat might not think the same way. In fact, cats usually take hours to calm down completely if they are exhibiting extreme hyperactivity.

Hence, remember that just being there physically is enough for your Russian Blue since they are affectionate. If it were a different, less affectionate cat breed, then they may not have even wanted to be around you!

3. Keep your Russian Blue’s Essentials Easily Accessible for Them

Remember that your Russian Blue is a neat freak. They like to be clean and have their designated areas for relieving themselves, eating, and sleeping. Hence, when you are observing them note how they respond to certain areas of the house, make sure to place their litter box, food bowl, and a cat bed in THEIR ideal spots. Here are the best-recommended supplies for your Russian blue cat.

This will ensure that they are content with how their basic needs are being fulfilled and also reduce the chances of them getting agitated and hyperactive.

4. Let your Russian Blue Carry their Scent

Sometimes when you take your Russian Blue to a place that they are unfamiliar with, you may have seen them get restless. Here, it may help to take an item with you, which your cat uses regularly, and which is sure to hold some of your cat’s own scent. This will ensure that your Blue is still able to smell their own scent from that item and not feel overwhelmed about being in a brand new place.

5 Ways to Calm Down Your Hyperactive Russian Blue Cat

Now let us move on to five essential ways of calming down your Russian Blue cat.

1. Ensure that your Russian Blue is Getting Enough Exercise

The first and most obvious way of ensuring that your Russian Blue cat remains calm is to make sure that it gets enough exercise. The root of hyperactivity in a cat is usually because they have pent up energy. Hence, if you are able to play with them for at least 20-30 minutes each day, this will be enough to expend their store of energy for the day.

To know more about which toys you can purchase for your Russian Blue, you can check out my article “What is the Best Toy for your Russian Blue?

2. Provide Harmony in your Household!

If you plan to add more pets to your home alongside your Russian Blue, then you need to know what you are taking on before you get on with this step. For instance, it is highly likely for your Russian Blue’s personality to change if they are kept with other pets for too long. Urinating in inappropriate places to mark their territory is one clear sign of hostility.

Hence, you will have to consult with your veterinarian to ensure that harmony ensues in your household if you decide to have more than just your Russian Blue as a house pet. And with harmony in place, your Russian Blue will be able to enjoy its surroundings and not become hyperactive at random moments.

3. Try Anti-Anxiety Treats

This is a straightforward and simple solution to calming your Russian Blue down. If all else fails then, you can always opt to give them anti-anxiety treats that have calming effects. However, there are many such treats in the market with harmful side effects. So, make sure to confirm with your veterinarian before you invest in any such treats!

4. Check for Any Hyperthyroid Problems

In older cats, Hyperthyroidism is a common issue, which causes them to have an overactive thyroid gland. And since this thyroid gland is the control mechanism for their energy levels, cats with Hyperthyroidism, can display erratic behavior. Hence, it is best to consult with your veterinarian to confirm what the issue is first.

Then, you can move on to treatments for Hyperthyroidism to reduce the chances of random outbursts of energy.

5. Allow the Behavior

If you Russian Blue displays random hyperactivity for short periods, then you do not need to take action right away. However, if they act like this regularly or their energy outbursts lead them to harm themselves or anyone else, then action must be taken right away!

Again, actions taken to calm your Russian Blue begin by employing some of the tips suggested above.

Final Words

In conclusion, you need to keep in mind that Russian Blues need mental stimulation and physical exercise. It is only when their energy outbursts negatively affect themselves or others, that you need to start taking action.

Although, remember that harmless hyperactivity can be resolved with some easy tips, as mentioned above. However, laziness in your cat will just leave you with a boring cat!

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