How to Choose a Russian Blue Kitten [Best Tips for Beginners]

choose a russian blue kitten

Your animal pet is a major part of your daily life, they wake up, eat, live, and sleep with you. Hence, there should be a level of comfort and trust with you and your pet. It does not matter if you are getting a dog, a cat, a hamster, fish, etc. More point that is important is to connect with your pet. Talking about the cats, they come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and breed. You will need to choose a cat that matches and suits your lifestyle, does not give you any allergies, indoor or outdoor, a cat that gets along with dogs, etc. In this article, I will present all the choices you can cross-check to choose a Russian Blue Kitten.

A Russian Blue is different from any other blue cat with its plush, silvery hair, sparkling green eyes, and sweet smile. Most people are attracted to Russian Blue Cat because of their personality and they choose them because of it. How do you choose a Russian Blue Kitten? Make sure you get it from a reliable breeder. The kitten should be healthy or if they are suffering from any illness, you should be informed prior. Do not rush into buying. First, analyze your situation at home and identify if you are well equipped to bring the cat home.

Here, you will find various defining traits from which you can choose the Russian Blue Cat.

Origin and History of Russian Blue Cat

The history of the origin of the Russian Blue Cat is still a mystery. These cats have been around for a very long time. The Russian Blue cats were said to be located in Archangel’s (Arkhangelsk) White Sea Harbor city in the north of the Russians, hence, also known as the “Archangel Blue.” British sailors were thrilled with this lovely fuzzy race and wanted to bring back home.

In the 1860s, British sailors introduced Russian Blue to the United Kingdom. At London’s Crystal Palace in 1871, the first modern cat exhibition. Imports from the UK contributed to improving the US stock and now the Russian blue in the US is so admired that race example was sent to Europe to strengthen its bloodline.

Who is Russian Blue Kitten’s Best Pet Parent?

Anyone can buy or adopt Russian Blue Kitten. The more important how you raise your kitten. The environment that you will raise the Russian Blue kittens should match their general personality. If you have a house that has smaller children then it is not a very good idea to bring up the kittens. The kittens are timid and young children can startle them. You need to have more space indoors as outdoor sounds and noises agitate the Russian Blue Cats.

Besides, if you have other pets, make sure you understand their nature before you bring a kitten. The kittens do get along with other animals but you will have to be very gentle and patient. Make sure that your existing pet is friendly with other animals especially cats.

What Appearance Would You Be Expecting?

Before you purchase the Russian Blue kitten, you should recognize their appearance. Is the cat you like a sleek, silver-shaped face with a wedge-shaped eye? The Russian Blue’s head is a large, medium wedge with a flat top and a straight nose. The cats grow into a medium-sized, fine, long, and muscular cat. You will see the one color pattern of solid blue.

The Russian Blue cats and kittens come in only one color accepted by North American registries. The color, which cat lovers define as a blue coat, resembles gray, and the outside fur decorated with silver tipping so that it reflects light. However, in other places, colors such as blue, black, and white Russian Blue are available. Especially, the Australian Cat Federation (ACF) accepts these colors.

What Makes Russian Blue Cat Better?

The years of a careful selection of breeding through pedigrees, which allow only blue shorthaired cats, have led to a breed with a unique look and personality that distinguishes it from other cats.

The Personality Trait of Russian Blue Cat

Pet owners want a pet loyal to them. Russian Blue cats have a loving personality to their owners especially if you raise them as kittens. Before you adopt or purchase the Russian Blue kitten, you should understand what kind of personality they have. Do you think you can adjust your environment accordingly?

The kittens need a nurturing environment. Watch how the kittens communicate with the breeder and the family to learn their personality and how well the kittens are handled. You will need to be patient with them. Most kittens are shy and reserved around strangers. This timidity is no sign of a kitten not being a great companion. After all, the kittens must mature well into social cats from their early years. Once it develops a bond with you, they are the most loyal and gentle pet you can keep.

The Russian Blue kitten prefers the same routine every day. Therefore, if you are traveling too much and you have an unpredictable schedule, your Russian Blue kitten can feel tense and stressful. The kitten likes to play with their favorite toys and they want you to play as well.

Finding a Good Breeder for Russian Blue Cat

When choosing Russian Blue, the first step is research. Look for a reputable breeder. Sadly, many kitten factories and many online frauds pose as respectable breeders. You should reach out to the different online forums and cross-check their legal as well as authenticity.

A reputed breeder will have a series of questions for you to ensure compatibility between you and the Russian Blue kitten. The breeders will make kittens available between 12 and 16 weeks. During this time, the kittens learn to socialize. Likewise, the trustworthy breeders will take care of all the necessary initial health expenses including vaccination, neutering, de-sexing, as well as other tests.

Although you cannot guarantee that only licensed cat breeders are genuine, I recommend you to find a breeder that has a legal breeding license. A licensed breeder is usually more experienced and can answer your curiosities accurately.

While finding a good breeder, you also have to rely on your gut feeling. You can notice the telltale signs. For instance, the breeders not answering your question, getting even basic information wrong, do not ask you questions about your home environment, how they treat the kittens, extremely high price or low price than you have researched. Keep your mind open to all these traits.

Choose a Russian Blue Kitten Age Before Purchase

You cannot take the kitten away from their mother at birth. A kitten cannot take solid food and depends on their mother for food in the first weeks of her life. Usually, after 8 weeks, the kitten manages itself without the help of the mother.

As a rule, many breeders recommend 12 weeks older kitten as the perfect age to transition into their new home. Some Russian Blue breeders also may hold on to 14 weeks or 16 weeks. If your breeder is making you wait then do not be impatient. Doing this will ensure that you have a strong, healthy, and sociable kitten. After this period, the kittens are ready to be separated from their mother, litter, and begin their new life with you.

Identifying Healthy Russian Blue Kitten

Your breeders can claim that they are providing you with the best Russian Blue kitten. Now, you must trust them, but not blindly. The best thing is to trust your instincts. Take a critical look around the region when you visit the pet shop. Is the region safe, free of external discomfort? Are all the kittens here alive and attentive? Open to food and water? Are they clean?

You may have a clear identity of the kitten you want to buy from the breeder’s online profile. Do not rely on the photographs. You need to inspect them closely. Keep in mind that if your kitten is less than 8 to 12 weeks old, you are not allowed to view them.

Check the skin, nose, and eyes for signs of bacteria, mucus, and redness when you look at your future pet. Watch for fleas in their fur. Take a glance at unsanitary conditions and the symptoms of diarrhea under the tail and back of the kitten.

Besides, you can also ask the breeders about the vaccination records. As I have mentioned earlier, they take care of the kitten’s early medical needs. In particular, confirm that your kitten does not have FIV or other infectious conditions.

When you choose a Russian Blue kitten and take them home, it will be wise if you take them to the vet soon after a day or two. The vet can examine the kitten accurately in case you miss some signs of internal health issues.

Cost of Russian Blue Kitten

Even though the Russian Blue race is rare cat breeds, there is an increased interest for them among cat lovers. The Russian Blue kitten that is of livestock quality costs between 400$ to 700$. This depends on the breeders and the region where you are. Winner lines, which range from $800-$3000 per kitten, for display and breeding purposes are much more costly. The difficulty in finding breeders easily can also make this breed more expensive.

Few Character Traits for Russian Blue Kitten

When you purchase the Russian Blues as a kitten, you might not see all their unique traits. For instance, the kittens have blue eyes but as they grow, they turn into a beautiful shade of green.


The Russian Blue kittens are usually between two to three ounces when they are born. Even at 12 weeks, they will mostly weigh only a pound. In the future, they can measure around 10 pounds to 12 pounds if male. Also, the female can weigh 7 pounds to 12 pounds. Due to their double coats, they might seem bigger.


If you are Russian Blue’s usual caretaker and you have a bond with them, then they are very playful. However, when you have visitors, they appear to be more reserved and shy. On the other hand, they are also intensely affectionate if they know you. Russian Blues tends to get shocked, especially in new environments, so make sure your new family member slowly and carefully gets into new situations. Russian Blues are extremely autonomous and you can leave them alone for a long time.

Basic Characteristics

Russian Blue is long and has slim limbs. The coating is plush, which stands at a 45-degree angle straight. Russian Blue can be a good option for individuals who have mild allergies. This breed does not shed that much glycoprotein Fel 1, which is a known allergen in cats. These are produced low in the Russian Blues.

Russian Blues is often born with “ghost stripes” that are lost when they are matured into their adult fur coat.

Health Tips

Russian Blues are packed with a dense double coat to be brushed off weekly. This race is vulnerable to anxiety, so it is a safe idea to keep it mainly indoors and away from loud noises. Daily nail cuts and a balanced diet are must to keep your coats clean and comfortable. This whole breed is healthy, but many Russian Blues have bladder stones issues so it is important to take preventive steps with your veterinarian.

You have to examine your Russian Blues every day. Check for dental problems, gum infections, eye infection, diet, level of water consumed, urine and stool abnormalities, etc.


You might be surprised that your Russian Blues like to train you rather than you training them. For training them, you should have ample space. More open rooms where your cat or kitten can wander. It is also necessary that your cats climb higher.

They are smart, so that interactive toys will keep their mind busy. Unlike most other cats the Russian Blues actually like playing, “fetch”. You can train them and they absorb the traits very easily.

The Russian Blue is foody cats. Therefore, you just want to feed them in expected times. Also, weigh them regularly and try to disregard their bogus hunger screams.


The Russian Blues have a moderate energy level. If you are to choose the cats that have more active then you also will have to consider their wild energy. However, if you choose a Russian Blue kitten, you will see that they first analyze their environment and remain passive at first. Once they are familiar with the new place, they show their playfulness.

Like many cats, they love playing feathered games with their human beings in a sunny place. If their desires are not satisfied, they are still very expressive.

Life Span

Cats in general, live for a long time. When you choose a Russian Blue kitten, you are taking responsibility for a living being that will live up to 13 to 20 years. Hence, I recommend that you do thorough research and prepare before rushing into getting a cat.

To Adopt or To Purchase

If you have referred to the previous section of the article, you must realize that the Russian Blue kitten costs a lot. It may surprise you that it is possible to adopt a Russian Blue kitten. To purchase or to adopt the kitten is entirely up to you.

Many race rescuers say that individual owners have abandoned most of their cats. The most common explanations being a lifestyle change or the race not being correct for them. This means so many cats and kittens are searching for a new home forever.

The biggest difference between breeder kittens and rescued kittens is that they might not be very young. When you choose a Russian Blue kitten from a breeder, you can get them when they are 12 to 14 weeks old. But, this is not usually the case for adopting them.

This probably implies that you wind up with a housebroken cat not requiring initial medical procedures. You can also find a Russian Blue blend, with all the features you like from the race such as trained to use the litter box, just a few weeks older.


The Russian Blue is a very special cat, both in appearance and personality. If you are to choose a Russian Blue kitten, you should know that you can easily train them. You will find them very friendly and keeps you busy by making you play with their favorite toys. Make sure that you keep them indoors, spay or neuter them, provide them with suitable scratching surfaces to maintain a long, healthy life.

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