How Much Should A Russian Blue Kitten Eat [Proper Quantity]

How Much Should A Russian Blue Kitten Eat

At present, the Russian Blue cat has invariably been every cat lover’s favorite. Not only as an adult cat but also as a kitten, the Russian Blue has marked its delightful presence. However, people feel difficulty in keeping a Russian Blue kitten due to the unawareness of the kitten’s eating behavior. Therefore, in this article, I will be explaining how much your Russian Blue kitten should exactly eat by considering their proper age, weight, and health. 

Starting with, ‘How much should a Russian Blue Kitten eat?’ The Russian Blue kitten should eat a nutritious diet that includes: protein, minerals, amino acids, and some other essential vitamins, at least 3 to 4 times a day. The exact quantity of the diet for the Russian Blue kitten varies as per their age and size. The same quantity diet for 4weeks old and 52 weeks old Russian Blue is not appropriate. It is because their body will start demanding more calories and vitamins to boost up their energy levels as they grow. Hence, determining the exact quantity that the Russian Blue kitten should consume is quite hard as the size and age of the kitten influences the diet quantity.

But before getting into the Russian Blue kitten’s diet, this is what you should learn to know them well. 

Acquiring the Russian Blue Kitten’s Eating Behavior 

If you have the Russian Blue kitten, you will agree that they are distinctly delicate and shy from a very young age. But when it comes to eating, the Russian Blue kitten is not less than an adult Russian Blue. 

The Russian Blue kitten loves eating, which benefits you to feed them some good and nutritious diet easily. According to the age and size of your Russian Blue kitten, you can see their eating behavior getting varied too. But sometimes, there is a high chance of your kitten trying to beg and overeat just because they like the meal.  During such situations, don’t overfeed the Russian Blue kitten and stick to the maintained diet plan. 

Overfeeding the Russian Blue kitten is not appropriate as it invites some unwanted diseases. So, you need to observe your Russian Blue kitten’s eating behavior and provide a nutritious diet accordingly. 

Requisite Nutrients For A Russian Blue Kitten

Like any other cat breeds, the Russian Blue’s firstborn year is the period of development and healthier growth. This phase can create an immense impact on the rest of the Russian Blue’s life. So, it is necessary to provide every requisite nutrient to a Russian Blue kitten for its exceptional growth. 

The Russian Blue kittens require most of the same nutrition as the adult one does. Yet some more diet is necessary for them as they are in a growing phase. The other more diet for the kitten helps to build their cells and tissues. Also, it works for the betterment of the nervous system. 

The requisite nutrients for a Russian Blue kitten include:

  • Protein: It is vital for the development of tissue, muscles, and brain functions of the Russian Blue kitten. Plus, it provides more energy in their body. Food such as chicken, turkey, fish, etc. is rich in protein and is suitable for your Russian Blue kitten. 
  • Minerals: Some of the minerals like calcium, zinc, and iron, make the kitten’s bones and teeth strong and healthy.
  • Vitamin: An essential diet for the Russian Blue kitten includes vitamin C and vitamin E to boost their immune system.
  • Amino Acid: An amino acid is an additional vital nutrient for the Russian Blue kittens for the proper wellness that is available in foods like meat and fish. It is a crucial diet at an early phase of Russian Blue’s life that you should provide. Otherwise, its deficiency can affect the Russian Blue’s heart, brain, and eyes. 

What To Avoid While Providing Necessary Nutrients For A Russian Blue Kitten?

As the Russian Blue kitten will immediately gain their body weight after birth, their body then requires much nourishment. The nourishment includes all the major above-stated diets. But, many people tend to provide all the requisite diets at once, which is not accurate. 

A Russian Blue kitten indeed has to acquire all the necessary diets for healthier growth. But never feed them all the nutritional diet at once, after they start gaining some weight. It will lead to the excessive feeding that a Russian Blue kitten may not digest.

A similar situation like this even happens to some Russian Blue kittens who are struggling to gain some weight. Even if they are underweight, increasing their feeding time or calories will not just work. Also, don’t decrease the calories for them at a huge if they are overweight. In such situations, you should see a doctor first and then prepare a suitable diet for them. 

Activities like this will not just have an impact on the Russian Blue after they fully grow up, but also will have to suffer at a very young age. So, you should provide the nutrients as per the proper diet plan only by considering the Russian Blue kitten’s age and weight. Overfeeding without following the kitten’s diet plan or seeking a doctor is not safe for them. 

Basic To Know Before Feeding A Russian Blue Kitten 

Feeding a Russian Blue kitten has been the most unmanageable task for many cat owners since the quantity of the diet to provide is not precisely understood. Just like in human babies, the Russian Blue kitten should also intake most of the nutrients at a younger age for a healthful tomorrow.

It is essential to know that the age and the size of a Russian Blue kitten are the prime determinants that affect the fact that how much should your kitten eat. A growing Russian Blue kitten demands 3times more nutrients and calories than an adult Russian Blue requires. 

So, feeding the Russian Blue kitten at least 3 to 4 times a day is necessary, whereas an adult Russian Blue should only eat twice a day. Also, don’t forget to provide fresh and clean water to the Russian Blue kitten as they have to stay hydrated for fit wellness. 

Grasp- How Much Should A Russian Blue Kitten Eat In Several Phases?

The Russian Blue kitten grows much faster than human babies. So, determining an exact quantity diet for them is essential. However, it is the point where most of the cat owners find it hard to manage the feeding diet and quantity due to the unawareness of it. 

Hence, to make things simpler for you, here is the precise information regarding how much to feed your Russian Blue kitten in their different growing phases. Note that this information is the primary plan which you must grasp to have exceptional health of your Russian Blue kitten. 

Zero To Four Weeks

This phase of the Russian Blue kitten is quite delicate. Just like in humans, the mother’s milk is indispensable for the Russian Blue kitten in the first week to 4th week of its birth. 

Feeding the mother’s milk to the Russian Blue kitten every two hours in the first week of its birth is necessary. As the kitten grows and gets into the 4th week, the feeding will gradually decrease from every two hours to 6-7 times a day. It is a phase where the kitten requires a high amount of care and nutritious mother’s milk, no matter how much its birth weight is. 

What If Feeding Mother’s Milk Is Not Possible?

Many times, most of the cat owners can bring a newborn Russian Blue, which might be just a week old. Yet, the mother’s milk is too vital in the first 4weeks of the Russian Blue’s birth. If it is not possible, then you will have to bottle feed your Russian Blue kitten. 

Bottle feeding shouldn’t include random milk without formulating essential nutrients in it. Never feed a cow’s milk to the Russian Blue kitten as they are not safe for them. It may lead to the cause of diarrhea and vomiting that can result in a life-threatening situation for them. So, a formulated milk is only more beneficial for the Russian Blue kitten if the mother’s milk is not possible to feed them. 

Learn About The Formulated Milk To Bottle Feed 

Bottle feed refers to the feeding of a formulated milk to a Russian Blue kitten from a feeding bottle, which is necessary for the absence of a mother cat. 

A formulated milk to bottle feed your kitten is extremely crucial from the first week to 4th week of its birth. To help you learn more about the best-formulated milk to bottle feed your Russian Blue kitten, here is the list of the few formulas to prepare nutritious milk for them.

Hoskins Formula

It is one of the best homemade formula to feed your Russian Blue kitten. The following items are essential to prepare this ideal formula:

  • 3ounce or 88.7ml of milk (choose better of a goat)
  • 3ounce or 88.7ml of water (clean water to use)
  • 4ounce or 113grams of yogurt (plain full-fat)
  • 3yolks of egg (don’t use a raw egg)

This Hoskins formula is best for the Russian Blue kitten if you choose to bottle feed them. Also, after preparing this homemade formula, you can provide this to your Russian Blue kittens only up to the next 48hours if you refrigerate them properly. But don’t overheat it before feeding your Russian Blue kitten. It should be warm, neither extremely hot nor too cold. 

KMR Powdered Formula

It is one of the most beneficial formulas for the Russian Blue kittens. This formula is highly similar to the mother’s milk of the kittens as it contains all the essential high-level protein and energy. It is easy to prepare and provides every requisite nutrition to the Russian Blue kittens. This formula is available in the nearby pet store. 

To prepare, use 1 part of the formula and 2parts of warm water. For instance, if you are using 1tablespoon of KMR powder, then put 2tablespoons of warm water in it. Don’t blend it instead, slowly mix it entirely. It takes no much time and effort to prepare. You can also store the rest of the KMR powdered formula in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. After 24hours, prepare another formulated milk for the Russian Blue kitten as the earlier one will be unsuitable.  

Precise Feeding Quantity To Know

In the 1st week to 4th week of the newborn Russian Blue, it is immensely significant to deliver the mother’s milk or formulated milk. Even at this period, the weight of the Russian Blue kittens can fluctuate from time often. It brings difficulty to decide about the correct feeding time and quantity for them.

Nevertheless, if your Russian Blue kitten is getting its mother’s milk, then it is not something to worry much about. But, if you are providing a formulated milk to the kittens then, considering their age and weight is quite important. Look into the information below to learn more:

  • The Russian Blue kitten of 55grams- 115grams -230grams in the first week should consume the formulated bottle milk of 2ml- 5ml- 9ml, 7times in a day. 
  • Kittens weighing 257grams to 315grams in the second week should receive 10ml to 12ml, 6-7 times a day.
  • Likewise, the Russian Blue kitten of 350 grams to 430 grams in the 3rd week should have 14ml to 17ml of milk, 5-6 times a day.
  • Lastly, in the 4th week, the kittens of 450grams to 560 grams should consume 123ml to 150ml, 4times in a day.

If your Russian Blue kitten has either less or excessive weight than the above-listed weight category, then see a veterinarian soon. It will help you to know why your kitten is either underweight or overweight than it should generally be. 

Four To Eight Weeks 

When the Russian Blue kitten completes it 4weeks, it is high time for them to begin weaning, meaning to start consuming some solid foods. It is the phase where the Russian Blue kitten should start eating more solid foods and drink less or completely should stop drinking cat milk.

There are many ways to help your Russian Blue kitten during the weaning process. But, in case if your kitten feels difficulty in eating then, there are lots of training and lessons that you can teach them to make them eat. If it is a case of any sickness, an immediate meeting with a vet is significant.  

Feeding The Russian Blue Kitten Accurately

In the first week of the 4-8weeks phase, try feeding some wet kitten food with a little amount of dry kitten food to the Russian Blue in replacement of the cat milk. If you give any wet cat food to the Russian Blue kitten, then don’t let them drink the milk again. Make sure you provide a more liquid diet in quantity as the kitten might get a problem to chew the dry food due to the absence of its baby teeth. 

But gradually, you can give them a bit more quantity of solid foods at the 7-8weeks of age as their tiny teeth may start growing, and they can chew it better. Also, by the end of the 8weeks of age, the Russian Blue kitten should start drinking water and eat their food by themselves. At this particular period, most of the Russian Blue kittens weigh around 910 to 915grams. Meaning that their body will require 165kilocalories per day. Feed them the diet 4times a day only. Don’t overfeed as it is not safe for their health. 

Two To Three Months

By the time of 8 to 12 weeks of age, the Russian Blue kitten should eat the kitten diet only. There should be control over the formulated milk or mother’s milk. If your Russian Blue kitten still consumes cat milk by this age, it is important to provide more kitten food to them. It will help to get rid of the cat milk. 

How Often Should The Russian Blue Kitten Eat?

At the 3months of age, the Russian Blue kitten should eat at least 4times a day. Till this phase, the kitten will get bigger or put on some weight. But there will be no large increment in their consuming capacity. Their stomach will remain tiny to digest every essential nutrient at once. 

Therefore, feeding them 1/3 to 3/4 cat bowls of some nutritional kitten food, at least 4times a day is specific. Otherwise, the Russian Blue kitten may lack in getting a proper diet for healthy growth. 

Three To Six Months

At the age of 3 to 6months of Russian Blue kittens, they will get along with the routinely feeding schedule and hygienic feeding method. So, it is essential to manage a neat and clean environment for the Russian Blue kittens to eat as they are one of the hygienic cat breeds.  

Diet To Choose And Provide

As you may know, nutrition is essential in the growing Russian Blue kitten. So, when the kitten is 3-6 months old, selecting a diet is what you should even focus more on. A kitten diet, which includes not only fat, protein, and minerals but also the maximum quantity of fibers, and moisture is significant for the 6months old Russian Blue kitten. 

Moreover, you can feed 1/3-1 cat bowl of diet to the Russian Blue kitten, 3times a day. It will be better if you check your kitten’s weight once a week to consider their proper diet.

Six To Twelve Months

As your Russian Blue kitten gets 12months old, it will no longer be a kitten but an adult cat. However, feeding in these time intervals should be more careful. Many cat owners believe that the Russian Blue is no longer a kitten at this phase so, they don’t focus on the feeding schedule anymore. But, this is what you should avoid doing.

Significant Diets 

At this age, the Russian Blue kitten should continue eating as per their ongoing diet plan. Also, it will be better to provide some more additional nutritional meals to them. You can provide wet food, dry food, or raw diet to the Russian Blue kittens as they will be able to chew and digest correctly. 

Here, some amino acids containing meals like meat and fish can be the primary nourishment for your kittens. Also, reduce their feeding time in a day and marked it only as thrice, if possible twice. Similarly, always keep fresh and clean water in the water bowls for the Russian Blue kittens. 

Plus, if the Russian Blue kitten has 3 to 5kgs of body weight at the age of 6 to 12months, then 420kilocalories to 545kilocalories in a day is sufficient for them. If they are under or overweight than the mentioned weight, reduce or add some diets only after consulting a vet.

Points To Remember While Feeding A Russian Blue Kitten

Apart from feeding the Russian Blue kitten, here are some points that one should remember:

  • Maintain hygienic areas, food, and water bowls while feeding the Russian Blue kittens. 
  • Even if the kitten is underweight, avoid overfeeding them. It can lead to cause several diseases like diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, etc.
  • Frequent changes on the meal-time are not suitable.
  • Never feed the cow’s milk to the Russian Blue kitten.
  • Don’t give human food for them to eat.
  • In case if the kitten is overweight, don’t snatch their meals. Instead, make another diet plan after consulting a vet. 
  • Sometimes, there might be difficulty while weaning the kitten if it stays with its mother cat. In such situations, don’t scold and beat the kitten. Instead, try tricking and training them in a much better way.

Significance Of A Russian Blue Kitten’s Diet

The Russian Blue kitten will start eating both the wet diet and dry diet as they grow. With the passing of each week, your kitten becomes capable of consuming many nutritional kitten foods.

The wet and dry kitten food that you purchase holds much more significance than you exactly think. Or if you don’t believe in providing sufficient food diet to the Russian Blue kitten, then read this out. 

Perks Of Dry Kitten Food

A Russian Blue kitten cannot eat the dry diet before 4-5weeks of age as their teeth may not start growing firmly at that period. However, after 6-8weeks, the kitten can eventually eat dry kitten food. It includes many nutrients that are essential for them to grow healthier. 

Some of the extra perks of dry kitten food are as follows:

  1. Dry kitten diets help your Russian Blue kitten’s teeth to grow healthier as they will take more time in chewing before swallowing it.
  2. After consuming the dry diet, the kitten will search for more water to drink, which will keep them more hydrated.
  3. It is easy to measure the quantity of the dry diet. You can feed it to your kitten as per the specified calories. 
  4. Also, it is simpler to store the dry food for a more lasting time even after, once opened.

Benefits Of Wet Kitten Food

Alike the dry diets, the wet kitten foods also provide every essential nourishment to the Russian Blue kitten. You can feed the wet diet to your kitten after it is 5weeks old. There will be no chewing problem for the Russian Blue kitten as they are available in the liquid state.

To learn additional benefits of a wet diet, read out the following-listed information:

  1. As the wet food is available in a liquid state, it provides an added form of water consumption to the Russian Blue.
  2. The smell of a liquid diet is quite good and attractive that your Russian Blue kitten won’t be able to resist from eating. 
  3. Serving wet food to the kittens is not much complex, which reduces your burden too.
  4. You can easily maintain the number of calories in the wet canned food that the kitten requires since the canned diet is available to various extents. 


A Russian Blue kitten is very active and fragile at the same time. That’s why maintaining the kitten’s proper diet for its healthy and accurate adulthood is necessary. At first, learn that age and bodyweight are prime factors that determine the Russian Blue kitten’s eating manner. Checking the Russian Blue kitten’s weight every week helps you in formulating a proper diet plan for them. 

Also, keep in mind that the kitten should neither eat more nor less than the essential calories for the body. So, after getting through this whole article, I hope you learned about how much should your Russian Blue kitten eat.

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