How To Nurture Newly Born Russian Blue Kitten [Complete Guide]

Nurture Newly Born Russian Blue Kitten

There are things you need to do when your Russian blue cat gives birth, or you decide to adopt a new kitten. You need to know what are the do’s and don’ts that come with the newborns in the house. Do you need to know how to nurture a newly born Russian blue kitten? What to feed these newly born Russian blue kittens?

A newly born Russian blue kitten is very delicate and fragile and needs its mother to grow properly. You need to provide them with appropriate bedding, food, warmth, and veterinarian visits to make sure they survive and grow into healthy adults.

You need to, however, remember not all kittens can survive, and do your best to make sure Russian blue kittens survive. So, you can’t be hard on yourself if they don’t live as long as you wish them to.

Here is the article to guide you on how to take care of these newborns’ Russian blue kittens as well as what you should avoid while taking care of them.

How to Nurture Newly Born Russian Blue Kitten?

Kittens are considered newborns till they reach the age of 4 months, giving you plenty of time to nurture them and train them.

Russian Blue kittens are, too, shy and reserved around a new environment, so you need to be patient with them.

You have to take care of bedding, food, bowel movements, warmth, and grooming so that they grow into a well-developed adult.

It is necessary to keep yourself equipped with all types of equipment, starting from kitten bottles to the litter box.

You need to take guidance as soon as your cat gets pregnant as well as after the kittens are born, you have to take them to the veterinarian for a routine check-up.

Likewise, both mother and kitten need a separate room with an appropriate warmth as kittens are not able to regulate body temperature for the first few weeks.

You have to place food, water, litter box, etc., for the mother cat nearby, along with the stack of clean towels.

Moreover, stock up on high-quality canned kitten food and KMR (kitten milk replacement/replacer) that ensure the nursing and nurturing of kittens along with the mother cat.

How Much Should A Newly Born Russian Blue Kitten Weigh?

The weight of the kitten subsequently and continuously changes as they age. You cannot know for a fact if the newborns are healthy or not till you weigh them properly.

Here is a table with the age and approximate weight, respectively.



Birth 3 to 4 ounces
2 weeks 6 to 8 ounces
5 weeks 1 pound

How Do You Keep Newly Born Russian Blue Kitten Warm?

The mother and the cozy bed will keep the kittens warm and healthy. But what will you do if these kittens are orphaned and left alone?

There are a few things you can do to keep these Russian blue kittens warm and protected. Warmth is the key to keeping these kittens healthy, as these fragile little things can die of cold without you even realizing it.

You can get a heating pad that will be in the bedding keeping your kittens warm and cozy. But if you need an instant solution, go for a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel or a small piece of cloth.

You need to place these things in such a way that the kittens can move away from them when they don’t want the warmth.

You need to consult your veterinarian to know what temperature is adequate for these small kittens. Likewise, keep on checking the temperature of the heating pad and the bottle.

Where Should You Keep Your Newly Born Russian Blue Kitten?

The very first thing you need to remember with every kitten is they will not open their eyes for 10 to 14 days after birth.

So, they are basically blind when they are born; that’s why it comes down to you and their mother to nurse and nurture them properly.

You need to find an appropriate place with proper bedding in the house where both kittens and mothers can live in.

And the basic things they need their bed to be are soft and warm. Every baby you will ever come across will ask for warmth while they are still young.

Cold is the undeniable nemesis of every kitten, so the mother makes sure her babies are cozy and warm. But you need to provide the mother and kittens a place to stay in.

You need to provide them with soft beds, as well as well-layered blankets, especially fleece ones. Likewise, you can DIY cat bed yourself but remember to make it well enough for the cats even when they grow into adults.

You need to find a draft-free corner to keep the bed so that no other pets or kids can disturb and harm these fragile newborns.

What Should You Feed Newly Born Russian Blue Kitten?

As long as they have their mother beside them, they’ll have fewer worries about their diet. The mother will feed its babies milk timely and nurtures them herself.

But if there is no mother around, you will have to find a cat mother that is willing to take a Russian blue kitten. She can feed these new babies and provide them with her milk as well.

Regular Cow’s milk is a big no for these small kittens as it can cause diarrhea to them. You need to find a mother cat who is willing to take small kittens under their wings or warmth.

They will also adjust to high-quality dry or canned cat foods after you make them familiar with the food. But remember to feed them food that is easily chewable and moist for the first few weeks.

Likewise, the protein content should be above or nearly 30% of the food as the kitten need more nutrient than the adult cat.

Every food you provide them should be specially made for the kittens only. These small babies can’t chew and eat adult food as well as will have digestive problems.

How Do You Feed Newly Born Russian Blue Kittens?

You will have no worries if the mother cat is nearby and feeding its babies timely. For the first four weeks, the mother’s milk will provide every nutrient and food the kitten will need to grow up.

But the problem arises when they are separated from their mother. You will have to think outside the box to provide kittens with everything in their first weeks.

You have to consult the veterinarian or pet shop for the best advice for these newly born babies. Don’t go hazardous and feed them milk present. More, you should also feed the best food for Russian blue kittens once they start growing.

A new mother cat with a very small litter can help to nurse these newly born Russian blues, but you won’t need this option as long as you have your own mother in the house.

She will do all the feeding and will take care of her babies. You need to be careful with them for the first weeks, and the maternal instinct is quite high and will attack you if she sees you as threatening.

More, you can want to know how much a Russian blue kitten can eat in a day.

What To Do When There Is No Mother Cat Around?

If neither of these things happens or you can’t manage both of these, go for the milk in a shallow bowl after 3 to 4 weeks. You need to feed the kitten gruel in a shallow bowl that is easier to eat in.

For the first weeks, get kitten bottles with elongated nipples that are easier to use and feed with. You need to make the appropriate holes in the nipple, as any more or any less milk can harm the kitten.

Make sure the KMR (kitten milk replacer) is dripping properly without overflowing or underflowing. Also, you need to check the warmth of KMR as you can’t feed these kittens anything hot.

You can do the same thing people do while feeding an infant with a bottle. Place a few drops of KMR in your hand and check whether it is warm or hot, or cold. Always feed them warm milk, not hot or chilled.

You need to place or say, hold these kittens on their stomach, not on their backs, while feeding them milk so less air can get in.

Before and after each feeding, you need to clean and sterilize the kitten bottle with hot water as well as your hands.

How Often Should You Feed Newly Born Russian Blue Kitten?

The feeding time and frequency depend on the age of the kitten as it varies vastly with each growing day. Newborns ask for more nutrients than adult cats, so keep this in mind while feeding your Russian blue kittens.

You need to feed 10 days or younger kittens every two hours around the clock without leaving or forgetting the feeding frequency.

Likewise, 11 days to 2 weeks old kittens need food in intervals of every 4 to 5 hours, while 2 to 4 weeks kittens ask for food every 6 to 7 hours.

As already said the feeding frequency decreases with age, so the kitten that is 4 weeks or older does fine with feeding two or three times a day.

Age Feeding Frequency
10 days or younger Every two hours
11 days to 2 and a half weeks Every 3 to 4 hours
2 and half weeks to 4 weeks Every 5 to 6 hours
After 4 weeks 2 to 3 times per day

Foods That You Should Feed Newly Born Russian Blue Kitten

You may wonder if your kitten is young enough to feed on milk only or can feed on anything else that has the value of a similar nutrient.

Most of the time mother cat will make sure her babies are well-fed and well-nursed but what should you do in an emergency or in the absence of a mother cat?

The answer is simple, go for KMR i.e., kitten milk replacer. You can buy these in the pet shop or order online and they come with the formula to prepare these things.

If you follow the instructions well, you’ll have no problem feeding your small Russian blues. But what to do in an emergency?

Well, the Corona pandemic has taught us one thing, i.e., you can never be fully prepared, and here is what you can do if you can’t find KMR anywhere.

You can feed these small kittens evaporated milk in the approximate quantity of 8 oz. Likewise, you can go for egg yolk, but that should be well-beaten and only one at a time.

Another solution is the Karo syrup; feed them 2 TB of these Karo syrups that can provide enough nutrients to these kittens while you search for KMR.

What Should You Do After Feeding Your Newly Born Russian Blue Kitten?

There are a few things you need to do once you finish feeding these newly born Russian blues.


If you are feeding your kitten formula, they must burp immediately after feeding. Here is what you have to do, treat them like a human baby.

Place them on their stomach or on your shoulder and pat these kittens gently until you hear them burp.

Cleaning The Kitten

Cleanliness is the key to maintaining the good health of the kitten. You need to clean them with a warm yet damp washcloth after they are done feeding.


You have to stimulate kittens’ urination and bowel movements for the first few weeks. Use a cotton ball or warm damp washcloth to clean the urogenital areas of the kittens.

After 4 weeks, you need to train them to use the litter box for elimination purposes.

Can You Hold A Newly Born Russian Blue Kitten?

Kitten is very fragile and sensitive, making them prone to injury. So, whoever handles them must be very careful and gentle.

Start handling them after the second week to the seventh week but avoid over-handling them if the mother cat is nearby.

You can get clawed or attacked if the mother cat sees you as a threat. Also, avoid letting other pets and kids go near newly born Russian Blue kittens.

Grooming Of Newly Born Russian Blue Kitten

It is very necessary to start grooming from a very small age so that they are familiar with all those stuff.

Russian blues are hypoallergenic cats and shed very little fur even when they are kittens. But it is necessary to comb and brush their fur regularly to remove excess hair while making it their habit.

Moreover, if you want to ignore claw snags, you need to clip their nails often. This will help you in the near future as they won’t fight you off if they get used to this habit from the very beginning.

So, here are the best Russian Blue grooming tips which you can follow to keep your blues neat and clean.

Spaying And Neutering Of Newly Born Russian Blue Kitten

Spaying or neutering should be done six months after birth. It is not that necessary, but it is recommended to keep overpopulation in check.

Here, you need to know what these terms mean. Spaying is the process of removing the ovaries present in the female, whereas Neutering is the removal of testicles from male cats.

How Do I Introduce My Newly Born Russian Blue Kitten To My Home?

Introducing a new Russian Blue kitten to your home can be super exciting! But it’s important to make sure your new furry friend feels comfortable and safe in their new environment.

First things first, make sure you set up a cozy space for your kitten with all the essentials – a comfy bed, litter box, food, water bowls, and some toys to play with.

When you bring your kitten home, it’s a good idea to let them explore one room at a time. This way they can get used to their new surroundings gradually without getting overwhelmed. You can even use baby gates to create some boundaries.

Remember, your kitten might be feeling a little scared and anxious in their new home, so make sure you give them lots of love and reassurance. Spend some time with them, talk to them in a gentle voice, and give them a soft blanket to snuggle up with.

Don’t worry if it takes your kitten a little while to adjust to their new home – they’re just getting used to everything. So be patient and let them explore at their own pace.

If you have other pets at home, it’s important to introduce them to your new kitten slowly and carefully. Keep an eye on their interactions to make sure everyone gets along, and no one gets hurt.

With these tips, you can help your new Russian Blue kitten feel happy and safe in their new home. Enjoy spending time with your new furry friend!

How Can You Teach Your Russian Blue Kitten To Go To The Bathroom?

One of the most important pieces of training for the kitten is to figure out litter box training. If they have their mother around, they will learn to see their well-trained mother.

But the absence of a mother can increase your work with the kitten. You need to make sure these kittens get familiar with the litter box.

Likewise, it is your job to stimulate their urine and bowel movement. That’s why to be careful with small details.

Once the kitten finishes the littering, you have to use a cotton ball or warm washcloth to clean its urogenital area.

They will start getting used to it and, after a while, figure out how to use it and what to do when they want to go to the bathroom.

Health Concerns Related To Newly Born Russian Blue Kitten

There are a few diseases that can make the lifespan of your Russian blue kitten shorter. You need to monitor them closely for the symptoms and take steps as soon as you see them struggling.

Upper Respiratory Infection

The most common problem among kittens is a respiratory infection. You can’t overlook this problem as it starts basically from your carelessness.

The yellow discharge can develop more and gets heavily discharged, causing consequences. It can cause blockage in respiration, so you need to clean after these small kittens.

You can’t bathe them, remember that, so go for wet clothes and wipe away all the discharged materials. If the problem gets chronic, meet, and consult the veterinarian immediately.


This is also another problem that arises due to unhygienic behavior. You can easily get rid of them with the help of a flea comb or a proper bath.

Fleas can cause anemia in small cats, so make sure you take care of these as soon as possible. You can make these kittens bath with warm water but don’t do this often as they get shivers around water.

Likewise, you need to use a washcloth to clean their face and rinse properly. You can’t use flea shampoo on kittens’ bodies that are younger than 6 weeks, so go for a small amount of liquid dish soap.


Kittens show a drastic change in their feeding habit and bowel movements when they are infected with any parasites.

You can see strange-looking waste and diarrhea. That’s when you need to start the deworming treatment of your kitten and take them to a veterinarian immediately.

How Can I Bond With My Russian Blue Kitten And Create A Strong Relationship?

If you have a newly born Russian Blue kitten, it’s important to know how to bond with them and create a strong relationship. This will help your kitten feel safe and loved and make your time together more enjoyable.

Here are some tips to help you nurture your newly born Russian Blue kitten:

Spend time together

Make sure to spend some time with your kitten each day, whether it’s playing with them, cuddling with them, or just being near them.

This will help your kitten feel more comfortable around you and build trust.

Use positive reinforcement

When your kitten behaves well, reward them with treats or praise.

This will help them associate good behavior with positive experiences and strengthen their bond.

Create a safe space

Make sure your kitten has a comfortable and safe space to live in. This can be a small room or a designated area of your home.

This will help your kitten feel more secure and develop a sense of belonging.

Train your kitten

Teach your kitten basic commands like “sit” or “come.”

This will help you communicate with your kitten and build trust.

Be patient

Building a strong bond with your kitten takes time, so don’t get frustrated if it doesn’t happen overnight.

Keep being consistent with your interactions and show your kitten love and affection.

Learn your kitten’s behavior

Watch how your kitten behaves and learn their likes and dislikes.

This will help you create a more enjoyable experience for both you and your kitten.

Remember, nurturing your newly born Russian Blue kitten is all about building a strong bond with them.

Spend time together, use positive reinforcement, create a safe space, train your kitten, be patient, and learn their behavior. By doing these things, you’ll create a happy and healthy relationship with your kitten.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some FAQs, along with the answers you may come across.

Can You Use Baby Wipes On Kittens?

No, you shouldn’t use baby wipes on your kittens. You may feel this is the best and cheap solution, but it is actually the worst thing you can do for your kitten.

Avoid using any type of baby wipes on your small kitten; go for simple water for cleaning purposes instead.

Can I Bathe My Kitten Once A Week?

Yes, you can bathe your small kitten once or twice a week or once every three days to make them familiar with the good aspect of bathing.

[Infographics] How To Nurture Newly Born Russian Blue Kitten

How To Nurture Newly Born Russian Blue Kitten [Complete Guide]


In conclusion, every baby is sensitive and fragile, so you have to be extra careful and attentive to them. Try to understand their need and do what the above article says. You will do okay as long as you care for them like any other baby. Don’t push the limits, and take care of their feeding time and nutrition. You will have a fully healthy grown cat very soon if you are attentive and responsible enough.

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