Russian Blue Cat Vs Burmese Cat: Which Cat Breed Is Right For You?

Russian Blue Cat Vs Burmese Cat

When it comes to choosing between two popular blue cat breeds, Russian Blue vs Burmese, it can be tough to decide which one is right for you. There are many factors to consider, such as their origin, lifespan, and appearance.

Russian Blue and Burmese are low-maintenance house cats that look alike. However, they differ in origin, lifespan, and color variety. Russian Blues live longer than Burmese cats and come in fewer colors. Consider these factors before making a choice.

This information will only give subtle hints about these Russian Blues and Burmese cats you are planning to adopt. But will this be enough to decide which one is for you? Absolutely not!

So, let’s dive into this comparative article or competitive article between Russian Blue and Burmese to know what they are like. Which one, Russian blue or Burmese, will be a perfect match for you?

Russian Blue Vs. Burmese

Before going into the care, health, price, or compatibility section, you need to have an idea of what these cats look like.

Russian blue and Burmese, both, are blue breeds of cats, and we are here for it. Not complaining or contemplating about the bluish texture, but do they really have the same bluish color?

You have to have an idea about how they look, or else how will you differentiate these blue breeds. How else are you going to choose the cat when you don’t even know how they look?

Confusion follows every blue breed around, and you need a keen eye and correct perception about both cats.

So, let’s start the Russian Blue Vs Burmese round from the very beginning, shall we?


You need to know about the origin of a cat to know how they were introduced. Information like whether they are the pure breed and are the youngest or the oldest breeds that travel through history makes a huge difference.

Russian Blue Cat

Russian blue, as its name states, is originally from or native to Russia, more specifically, Archangels Isles. Hence, they got their nickname “The Archangel Cat,” Wow, quite a fancy and intriguing name, isn’t it?

People have the high belief that these Cats are the descendants of cats Russian Czars kept back in time. It is said that they weren’t in Northern Europe and England till the 1860s.

Russian blue was introduced in the US during the early 1900s and first appeared in the cat shows at the same time. Hence, Russian Blue made themselves worthy of classification and got their done in 1912, and the rest is history.

Burmese Cat

Well, you need to get ready for the world-class unique story about the very origin of the Burmese cat. You will definitely be in awe when you learn the fact about their ancestors and how these cats came to life.

Let’s try how the legend goes, once upon a time, a thousand years ago, and some people worshipped the illustrious forefathers of the Burmese cats in temples in Burma. Wow!

Now let’s go of the legend and come into facts, shall we?  Experts say the Burmese are the descendants of the female feline Wong Mau.

Dr. Joseph Thompson exported Wong Mau from Burma to the U.S. in the 1930s. He then bred her with a seal point Siamese cat as she had no male counterpart.

Hence, this breeding process resulted in Burmese cats and hence got recognition in 1936. Since they were originally from Burma (now Myanmar), they were named Burmese cats. People from their origin place also call them ‘The Copper Cat.’

General Appearance Russian Blue Vs Burmese Cat

Here you will get an idea of how these cats will appear when you’ll look at them from a distance. Both Russian blue and blue-colored Burmese may look similar from afar, but you’ll notice the difference when you know them.

Russian Blue Cat

Russian blues are one of the top blue breeds with shiny, lustrous bluish coats and lean bodies. They look elegant and beautiful as well as have this beautiful smiling expression on their face.

Their foreign type is muscular but fine-boned, with the angular head as the shape of the modified wedge.

Burmese Cat

Burmese is a medium-sized cat with a muscular and strong body, round head as well as expressive gold eyes (blue Burmese).

Color of Russian Blue Vs Burmese Cat

The color helps to distinguish these cats far easier than we give credit to. It isn’t like completely different shades but it will help you clear the confusion when you look closely.

Russian Blue

Russian blue is one of the prettiest blue breeds you can come across. They come in only one coat color with no deviation at all.

Russian blue has grayish coat color or, as fanciers call it, a bluish coat with no markings.


Burmese standard color was known to be rich sable color, but now things are different. The standard color of these cats in today’s world has been divided into four different types.

You can find Burmese cats in sable, platinum, champagne, and blue color. These cats are not exclusively blue breeds like Russian Blue but are on the list of blue breeds somehow.

They have a beautifully striking blue color that will leave you in awe. Burmese cats, blue ones, are medium gray with fawn undertones.

Coat of Russian Blue Cat Vs Burmese Cat

Russian blue has short hairs in a double-layered coat with one undercoat and one overcoat with silver-tipped guard hairs. The coat has a silvery sheen making Russian blue brighter than other blue cats. Their coat is very soft and velvety to the touch.

Burmese, however, has a single coat with short hairs as Russian blue.  Their coat is very silky to the touch, making them adorably therapeutic to run hands through.

Eyes And Ears of Russian Blue Vs Burmese

Blue breeds often have different eye colors hence the distinguishable factor.

Russian Blue

Russian blues are born with yellow eyes that, in turn, change to emerald green color with age. They have round eyes that are wide apart. More, you may want to know at what age do Russian blue cat’s eye turn green?

These cats’ eyes make them look alert and attentive all the time. However, the ears of Russian blue are not round but pointed and are covered with short and fine hairs.


Burmese eye color is different with each coat color. Some of them have green eyes; some have blue eyes. But mostly, these cats have green or gold eyes.

They have round eyes as they have round ears, and the tip of the ears is round like most parts of the face.

Body of Russian Blue Cat Vs Burmese Cat

Both Russian blue and Burmese have a finite body making them look different easily.

Russian Blue

Russian blue cats have slender, muscular, firm, long, and fine-boned bodies with double-coated that make them look chunkier than they are.

They have long yet fine-boned legs with rounded paws and look like they are tiptoeing when they walk.


Burmese cats are known to be round cats with round eyes, round-tipped ears, round heads, chin, etc. hence they look round all over, even their body.

They have a very elegant yet well-muscled bodies making them look stockier and sturdy. Their legs are proportionate to the body with medium length and round paws.

Tail of Russian Blue Cat Vs Burmese Cat

Russian blue has long tails quite proportional to their body, whereas Burmese cats have medium-length tails that compliment well with their body.

The lifespan of the cat you want to adopt helps you decide how much time you want to invest. Let’s know about the lifespan of Russian Blue and Burmese to know how long they will be with you.

Russian Blue

Russian blue has an average life expectancy of around 15 to 20 years. However, there are instances where it is recorded that Russian Blue has lived up to 25 years.

The life expectancy of the Russian blue depends on the factor of how well-cared they are. So, if you want your cat to live long enough, then care about them properly.

You can learn more about Lifespan of Russian Blue cat in detail.


Burmese cats have an average life expectancy of around 16 to 18 years. Alike Russian blue, these cats can live longer if you care about them properly.

Size of Russian Blue Cat Vs Burmese Cat

Size helps you to know whether the cat you are planning to keep will grow bigger or stay smaller. The growth rate can only be checked when you know their average size.

You can’t adopt a cat without knowing its average size. That could be confusing, shocking, and stressful later.

Russian Blue Cat

Russian blue is a medium-sized cat that weighs around 6 to 14 pounds and grows approximately 10 inches in height. Learn more about how big Russian blue cat cats can get?

The weight and height may vary according to the age, diet, and care level of your cat. Russian blue is prone to obesity and getting overweight.

You have to be careful with what you feed them and how much you feed them. The feeding frequency and food intake should be closely monitored. So, learn how to feed your Russian blue cat properly?

Gender also determines the size of your Russian blue. Male cats are larger than the female cat and show sexual dimorphism.


Burmese is also a medium-sized cat that weighs around 6 to 14 pounds, just like Russian Blue. The average height of a Burmese cat ranges from 15 to 18 inches.

Alike Russian blue, the weight and height of Burmese cats depend on factors like age, diet, and care. The growth rate can be hampered when the cat is not properly taken care of.

These cats tend to get obese and gain over-the-top weight when their calorie intake and food type are not well-monitored.

Obesity brings diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, etc., to the Burmese. Also, Burmese is a lap cat, so these cats gaining weight won’t be good for you too.

Character of Russian Blue Vs Burmese

The character and temperament of the cat give it all away. You might be searching for a cat with a peaceful nature but get an aggressive cat, will that be nice?

So, it is very necessary to know what these cats are like beforehand to avoid complications.

Russian Blue Cat

Russian Blue is probably the most laid-back cat you can get for yourself. These cats are playful but not dramatic or destructive.

These cats are very intelligent and curious but won’t open up easily. They will act shy and distant, at first as well and prefer their alone time more.

They are very friendly, loving, and affectionate once they get comfortable around the house. But Russian Blue doesn’t like visitors and will run away from their hiding place.

These are not social cats and prefer their human family and known friends only. Russian Blue will love everyone in the family; however, they will have a strong and deeper connection to one particular human only.

They are independent cats and will do just fine without you for a few hours. But your cat will miss you, wait for you to come home, and will greet you at the door when you come.

These are indoor cats, so they prefer toys over outdoor games. They won’t mind playing run and fetch, hide and seek, etc., as long as you are playing with them.

Russian blues can be talkative with their favorite human but have a very quiet, sweet, and low voice. They hate loud noises and chaos as these things startle and stress them.


Burmese cats are very playful, energetic, and active cats. These cats love to play games as a spectator rather than a participant.

They adjust well in the house with big families that are willing to interact and play with the cat. But Burmese don’t like to share their humans attention with some other pet.

Not that they’ll be aggressive, dramatic, or destructive, it is just that they will try to win you over with their charm, playfulness, affection, and socialization.

Burmese are lap cats, and they love to sit on everyone’s lap, everyone meaning EVERYONE! They are very social and outgoing.

These cats will talk with you a lot but not as much as Siamese cats. Their vocalization is quite less than their half ancestors.

These cats don’t slow down even when they start to grow old, their energy level and playfulness remain the same.

Health of Russian Blue Vs Burmese

You can’t adopt or pet a cat with serious health issues. You need to make sure and know about the things you are getting yourself into.

Having ideas and knowledge about the diseases associated with these cats will help you prevent them. And Prevention is better than cure.

Russian Blue Cat

Russian blues are one of the healthiest cats you’ll come across, with no hereditary disease associated with them.

However, Obesity and being overweight are the most probable and recurring issues your Russian blue has. This cat loves food; it is one of those animals who live to eat.

They tend to overeat and don’t know when to stop with no outdoor activities. These foodie cats mostly and sleep around with no exercise or mean to burn calories.

Obesity can invite other diseases in Russian Blue, which are related to joints and diabetes these cats, so it is very necessary to monitor their food intake.

You have to feed them food with high animal proteins and low carbs. Make them exercise, and play games with them that are mentally and physically exhausting.

Also, kidney stones are another issue with a cat that hates to drink water. You have to act cleverly and make them drink water more to avoid any urinary tract infection in Russian blue.


These cats are generally healthy, but they are known to develop a disease called Hypokalemia. This disease is widely known as hypokalemic polymyopathy and causes skeletal muscle weakness in this cat.

This episodic disease can affect the whole body or just the neck or limb muscles of the Burmese. If your cat has this disease, it will have a problem while walking or holding its head correctly. It occurs due to a low level of potassium in the blood.

Another headache can be obesity. Alike Russian blue, these cats are fond of food hence overeating. Obesity is a nutritional disease that results from overeating and not knowing when to stop.

This obesity brings serious health issues like diabetes and painful joints to Burmese cats. So, look out and monitor closely what and how much you are feeding your stocky, sturdy Burmese cat.

Apart from hypokalemia and obesity, Burmese cats are prone to the following diseases:

  1. Cranial Deformities
  2. Kidney stones in the urinary tract due to oxalate crystals.
  3. Glaucoma is a condition where high pressure in the eye can lead to complete blindness.
  4. Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome

Price of Comparison Russian Blue Vs Burmese

Cats can be expensive when it comes to getting a purebred. Not everyone can afford the luxury to make a dent in their wallet when it comes to getting a pet.

You can look for an adoption center that will let you adopt abandoned Russian blue or Burmese. It is a far better option than buying a cat.

And if you are about to buy a cat, buy it from a well-reputed breeder and ask for the pedigree and health test papers.

There are many Russian lookalikes, crossbreeds, and other blue cats, so it is necessary to purchase it with a pedigree.

Russian Blue

Russian Blues are purebred and one of the oldest cats, so their price can be a little over the top than most common cats.

But these cats are cheaper than most blue breeds like British Shorthair. In the U.S., you can get a Russian blue kitten at the price of $400 to $600 and that is modest.

The price of Russian blue kittens gets higher as soon as you search for them in Australia. They can cost $850 to AUD 1200.

In the UK, you can get a Russian Blue kitten for under £1000, so it is normal if you find one for around £500.


Burmese might be a cheaper cat, but that doesn’t mean you will not be shocked. Kittens are more expensive than an adult cats, and it is quite understandable.

If you are in for a cat that is abandoned, old, or retired show, or our rescue cat, it will cost you much less. Even a Burmese mix will make a great companion if purebred is too expensive for you.

In the U.S., purebred Burmese with pedigree goes for around $600 to $1000, whereas it costs £500 to £800 in the UK.

Australia follows the US and the UK here a little. Hence the Burmese cat costs 700 AUD to 800 AUD in Australia.

Care And Maintenance of Russian Blue Vs Burmese

Russian blue and Burmese are low-maintenance cats that barely ask for anything rather than basic needs.

That doesn’t mean you will have no work or responsibility towards these cats. Both Russian Blue and Burmese ask for a certain level of care, hence given below:

Russian Blue Cat

Russian blues don’t shed much, so combing their fur once a week will do the job. Nail clipping to bathing, brushing their teeth cleaning their litter box, all these are some basic grooming things to do. Here are the proper grooming tips for a Russian blue cat.

You’ll have to do it for any other cat, so it’s not that big of a deal. You need to look after their basic needs like water bowls, litter box, collar, tag, etc., for these blues.

Russian blues are independent cats and won’t mind your short absence. But they will ask for attention and love when you are around. These cats will even sleep and sit in your lap and love your time together.

They love physical and mental activities, and jumping on the bookshelves and sleeping there is probably their favorite one to do.

You have to make sure your cat has enough toys and games to play with or else Russian Blue will get bored.

Boredom and inactivity are a curse for cats like Russian Blue, who are prone to obesity. These cats tend to get obese and overweight because of idle sitting and no games, and of course, their love for food.

You can play with your cat twice a day for 15 to 20 minutes each so that they are well-exercised and burns some calories whilst enjoying. Besides, you can also provide your Russian blue with some best toys to play with.

Do not overfeed them and give them food that is high in animal proteins and less in carbs. Older Russian blue get fat faster due to less energy and love for naptime. You need to look after your food intake and calories more carefully than adults.

Likewise, these cats hate to drink water like any other cat. So, act clever and get them a water fountain to make attracted water. This way, Russian blue will drink enough water and beat dehydration. So you must know how much water should Russian blue cat needs to drink in a day?


Burmese cats are known to have a short, fine coats with a silky and glossy shine. Alike Russain blue, these cats don’t shed much but brushing their coat once a week with a rubber comb will be enough.

These cats are very active, playful, and energetic, so they’ll be a great mate for the kids in the house. Burmese loves to cuddle and interact with family members, so they will do great in the house with active families.

This cat shows dog-like devotion toward their human friend. You’ll see them sleeping in the bed with you, cuddling you while you are watching TV, and of course, following you around.

Burmese tend to get upset and depressed when their human friend leaves them alone for a long period. They form a bond with their owner quite fast and develop strong attachments.

You’ll find them happy in the household with active family members who are willing to play with the cat. They are easily trainable and will learn many tricks very fast.

You have to make sure you give them enough toys to play with and provide undivided attention. They don’t like sharing you with other pets.

Similarities Between Russian Blue And Burmese

After you know all the differences between these two cats, here are some of the similarities they both share.

  1. Both Burmese and Russian blue weigh almost the same.
  2. Russian blue doesn’t shed much neither does Burmese.
  3. These two cats are low maintenance and won’t ask for much.
  4. Both of them have the same litter size.
  5. Russian blue is prone to obesity and overfeeding so is Burmese.
  6. Both of these cats are easy to train.

Compatibility Russian Blue Vs Burmese

If you are someone who wants to adopt these cats together or have kids or a dog already, you might need a compatibility guide.

It is necessary to know how these cats react around other animals and children to decide between them.

With Each Other

Russian blues are gentle and friendly, and so are Burmese cats. Both of these cats have the same temperament and needs mostly.

So, if you carry out the introduction part well, these two cats will live together without making a fuss, except for slight jealousy from the Burmese.

With Other Cats

Both of these are house cats, so they will fit right into the family. Russian Blue will adjust with other cats in the house as long as both of them have the same temperament.

These cats will adjust well when you take a step-by-step introduction process seriously. Russian Blue will not fight for attention and will enjoy the time you spent with her.

The same is with Burmese cats till the introduction part, but they don’t like sharing their human friend. Not that they will get aggressive or fussy, but these cats will just start acting more playfully and affectionately to win you over.

With Dogs

Russian blues are okay with having a canine friend around as long as the dog understands their boundary and gives Russian blues alone time quietly.

Intrusion and attention over the top can make Russian blue skittish and anxious. So, you have to train your dog to live a Russian blue cat alone during her naptime.

Russian blue can’t adjust to the aggressive bully dog and will run away to their hiding space rather than fight back.

So, if you want to keep Russian blue with dogs, make sure your dog is friendly, loving, and peace-loving.

Now coming to Burmese, these cats are less of a dog lover than most breeds but will live with one. They will try to grab your attention fully with their charm and playfulness.

These Burmese cats don’t like sharing your attention with other animals but will live well with a well-behaved canine. And badly-trained dogs with aggressive natures scare these cats, so it’s a big No with big aggressive dogs.

With Kids

Both of these cats are compatible with kids. Russian blue cats are a great match for enthusiastic kids.

The energy level, activeness, and playfulness of Russian blue make them a favorite among kids. However, you have to teach your kid to leave the cat alone during their naptime or alone time.

Russian Blue is very social, loving, and affectionate towards small children and loves sleeping and cuddling with them.

Burmese cats are similar to the nature of Russian blue among kids. These cats are dedicated lap cats and love cuddling most of the time.

Kids will definitely prefer them because of these cats’ playful and affectionate nature and vice versa. Hence Burmese cats are an ideal fit for a household with kids.

You need to, however, supervise your kids when they are around the cat, as they can get hurt or hurt the cat while playing.

Which Breed Is Right For You?

If you are looking for dedicated lap cats with a hint of jealousy, then Burmese are your go-to cats. They prefer climbing and want more space, so if you live in a big house with a large family, this is your cat.

If you are looking for a family cat that loves to cuddle and asks for more affection, then Burmese is a cat for you.

But if you live in an apartment alone, and can’t give much time to your cat, keep searching. Burmese cat can be more demanding and wants the most attention to themselves.

Russian blue, on the other hand, is not clingy and will love the time you two spend together. They won’t force you to play with them all day.

If you have a 10 to 5 job, these cats are ideal for you as they are independent and won’t mind your short absence.

These Russian blues will miss you and wait for you at the door as well as greet you as soon as you come home.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Russian Blue vs. Burmese picked from the internet.

What is the difference between a Russian Blue and a Burmese cat?

Russian Blue cats are known for their blue-gray fur, while Burmese cats come in a variety of colors, including brown, blue, and lilac. Russian Blues have a more reserved personality, while Burmese cats are more outgoing and affectionate.

Which breed is more suitable for a family with children?

Burmese cats are generally more playful and outgoing, making them a good choice for families with children. However, both breeds can make great family pets with proper training and socialization.

How much grooming do Russian Blue and Burmese cats require?

Russian Blues have short, dense coat that requires minimal grooming, while Burmese cats have short, glossy coat that may need more frequent brushing. Both breeds benefit from regular nail trimming and dental care.

Are Russian Blue and Burmese cats prone to any health issues?

Russian Blues may be prone to urinary tract issues and obesity, while Burmese cats may be susceptible to certain types of cancer. Regular veterinary checkups and a healthy diet can help prevent these issues.


Briefly, both of these cats are friendly and loving, but it depends on your temperament and preference. If you are looking for a quiet and gentle cat, Russian Blue is an ideal cat for you.

But if you are into a playful cat that enjoys attention, your inclination will be towards Burmese, no doubt about that. Both of these cats are house cats who will love being around family. Russian blue will, however, act shy and run away if they see any stranger.

But Burmese cats will be quite social and will like a large family around them. So, it is completely up to you which one you want to pet. Russian blue and Burmese are low-maintenance cats, so you’ll be just fine with either one even if you are a beginner.

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