Does Russian Blue Cat Make Their Territory With Poop and Urine?

Does Russian Blue Cat Make Their Territory With Poop and Urine

Does Russian Blue Cat make their territory with Poop and Urine? What should I do? what other way do they use?

Like all cats, Russian blue cats are also territorial, meaning they are marking territory by leaving their scent, mostly at places where they feel safe & secure. Quite often, Russian blue gently rubs itself on the owner’s legs or home furniture. It means it is leaving a mark or scent where it feels most comfortable and is happy. Since the scent mark barely smells, no need to worry much!

However, there are other types of marking Russian cats do too that can be concerning but also have actions or ways to resolve the behavior.

So, do Russian blue cats also mark their territory with poop and urine? Unfortunately yes! Russian cats also use both urine and feces to mark their territory & to show dominance. Besides, unneutered Russian male cats tend to do it more than female cats. It can be unpleasant, but sometimes they may also urine mark due to underlying health conditions.

There are several reasons your Russian blue might occasionally use feces and urine to mark. However, by understanding the causes first, you can properly take steps to solve the problem. Here, you will find possible reasons and solutions that will again make you and your pet live in harmony. So, keep reading on!

What Is Cat Urine Spraying (Marking)?

Cat urine ‘spraying’ is also marking the territory with urine, which has its scent. However, spraying is different from that of regular urinating that is squatting and peeing on any flat or horizontal area. While urine spraying, the cat usually stands up with its shaking tail, little or no crouching. Then, backing up to a vertical surface.

In less common cases, some cats will also mark their territory on horizontal surfaces by urinating in a small amount. (Also, a small poop sometimes). This kind of spraying can be quite hard to find, but you can be aware of the scent of the smell.

Does Russian Blue Cat Make Their Territory With Poop and Urine?

As mentioned earlier, cats have this instinct to mark specific spots with their scent. Marking the territory also means a cat is providing information to other cats about their body, to signal ownership of the place, and to avoid disputes. Though a cat avoids encounters with other cats, there will also be a time where they might share their territory for some time.

Cats have numerous ways to leave their scent, and sadly for their owners, some may choose to leave urine or poop. 

If you are taking your Russian blue for walks or outdoors and it sprays up against trees, hedges, e.t.c at nose height, then it may not be that much of an urgent matter. However, if your cat starts to spray in several places or objects in your home, then this might be worrying. Also, the worst can happen if not taken care of on time.

Let us look more at the following reasons that might be causing your Russian blue to mark inappropriately in the house.

Health Problems

Urinary tract infections (like cystitis) or, much worse, a blockage is the most common medical problem that may cause the cat to stop using the litter box and try urinating in different places. Some cats will even cry right in front of you or try to urinate in the sink or bathtub to let you know something is wrong.

Note: As the urinary tract problems are painful, they can also be fatal if not acted immediately or visit the vet.

Introducing New Things To Home

Bringing a new feline home may make your Russian blue feel threatened and jealous. Moreover, changes in household compositions & routine, new living home, or other environmental & social changes can unsettle your cat. Since the Russian cat is shy, sudden changes and activity will make it feel insecure and increase the chance of spraying.

So, you can give them some toys to play with which can somehow make them comfortable in the new house. Here the best toy for your Russian blue cat.

Mating Behavior

If your Russian blue is not neutered or spayed, then the urge to spray or urine mark is intensely strong and frequent. Non-neuter Russian male cats tend to urine marks more than non-spayed female cats, and they do this to advertise maturity & sexual availability. The odor of the urine mark is often so pungent that it is unpleasant to your noses!

Litter Box Problems

Russian blue is very fussy about hygiene or cleanliness. Whether it is a dirty limited litter box or the wrong type of litter box in the wrong position, your Russian cat would not even go near the tray. Besides, causing it to find new bathroom spots anywhere around the house, which it considers cleaner and feels secure.

Once your cat uses the locations to spray or defecate, then it may again use that place if not cleaned!


Russian blue prefers a habit schedule, so the slightest changes in their environment can also cause stress. Also, new faces, unfamiliar sounds, and other environmental & social factors that we might not fully notice can still make your cat feel insecure. Hence, your Russian blue also tries to deal with or relieve its stress by urine or poop spraying the territory.

What To Do If Your Russian Blue Is Spraying Or Marking?

As urine spraying or marking indoors signals that your cat is already feeling threatened or stressed, you might think some frightening by telling it off, or simple punishment might help.

But No!

If you yell at your cat for spraying, it can increase its stress levels, making it spray even more. Bet, certainly not what you want for your Russian blue or your home!

If you are wondering how to stop or treat your Russian blue urine marking or spraying problem, then below are the ways that will help you eliminate the causes and ensure your cat is feeling more secure & happy!


The most common way of preventing urine spraying is neutering in males and spaying in females cats. The procedure involves the surgical removal of reproductive organs of both male and female cats carried out by a veterinarian under anesthesia.

Like most cats, Russian blue also begins to mark or spray approximately around 6 to 7 months of age. So, a lot of vets recommend cats to be neutered soon as they reach maturity, typically by Five months of age.

Research suggests that neutering or spaying an indoor cat should take place even earlier if there are any signs of physical or sexual maturity. The best is to consult with your vet about the right time to do it as some cats can mature quicker than others.

Note: There is the risk of not evolving in full potential if neutering or spaying is done too soon in cats and also ingrain marking behavior if waited too long.

However, even though neutering or spaying often eliminates the occurrence of inappropriate spraying or marking behavior and the pungent urine odor, it is not a full-proof guarantee. Neutered or spayed cats still may urine mark (in a small amount) in some favored places to show dominance, and which may also be happening in the presence of new things.

Cleaning And Redefine Sprayed Or Marking Areas

If you see any spray marks in your home, you should clean the affected areas thoroughly as soon as possible. But, do not use cleaner with strong-smelling chemicals (like one that contains ammonia) because they may cause your Russian blue to spray even more at the same spot. Instead, make sure to use an enzyme-based cleaner or odor remover.

Note: To make sure you have cleaned all the urine from the areas, use a black light. A black-light helps in showing the spots that are hard to find from naked eyes.

Next, try to make the previously affected areas unattractive or inaccessible. If not possible, try to make them associate with something else. For instance, feed or treat, develop positive playtimes, or place toys, a cat bed, e.t.c in the areas they are willing to mark. Since Russian blue would not want to spray where it plays, eat, or sleep.

Litter Box Hygiene

Set the right-sized litter box in such a place where your cat would not be disturbed. Russian blue adores privacy and lots of space. But, make sure the area is easily accessible & reachable. Do not keep the litter box near the food and water areas too. Also, always after your cat each uses, scoop the litter and at least weekly, clean the litter box entirely.

Note: The litter box must be personal for your cat!

Reduce Stress Causing Activity

Most of the time, cats spray to deal with stress. Though spraying will help your Russian blue to lower its stress level, it still is not feeling happy & secure.

So, what can you do?

Though there are lots of reasons that can affect how your cat feels, it is necessary to understand what could be causing the stress. Some ways you can apply or use to reduce your Russian blue stress are as follows-

  • A new home, faces, cat, redecoration, or sudden changes can unsettle your cat and increase the chance of spraying. So, slowly introduce and give time for your cat to adjust to new additions.
  • You can also try picking up their natural pheromones by gently rubbing on its face with a soft cloth. Use the fabric to wipe in different areas or new things at your cat height. This way, the scent will be spread and helps your Russian blue to feel more secure in its changed surroundings.
  • Outside cats, who may try to sneak their way in or walking by, can cause a lot of stress for your indoor Russian blue. Moreover, your cat starts to spray to signal its presence to the invading cat. So, try to shoo them away or have a secure cat flap (magnetic or microchip activated). It will discourage or stop them from coming into your cat’s personal space.

Note: Some researchers suggest restricting access to doors and windows through which cats may observe or sense other animals outside, and that may cause anxiety. However, only apply this condition if you are entirely sure that is the case. Like most of the cats, Russian blue also absolutely loves sitting by the window, observing, and feeling relaxed.

Provide Enough Resources

If there are few more cats in your home, then make sure every cat in your house has their food & drink bowl, litter box, beds and toys, e.t.c. Otherwise, disputes between each other may evolve and may start to mark their territory! Here are the other recommended supplies for your Russian blue cat.

You should also provide a positive routine & playtimes, lots of hiding places for your cats so that they can feel secure or comfortable around each other. Cat trees are great for multi-cat households to reduce feline conflicts. So, learn how to create a great space for Russian blue cat to hide and make them comfortable.

Note: If one cat starts to spray in the house, then it may make others follow it too. So, keep the spraying cat in a separate part of the home with its litter box and bed soon. Gradual reintroduction of the cat may be possible when it is well supervised.

Medications And Vet Visits

There is this commercial medication called Feliway that is commonly used by many cat owners to ease the stress or anxiety about new environments. Also, it has proven to be a cost-effective way of reducing urine marking. It contains a synthetic cheek gland scent, and you can either buy a plugin or spray.

Note: There are lots of medications on the market that can solve or reduce anxiety, spraying behavior in cats. But please consult with a veterinarian first to select the right or most appropriate drug for your Russian blue. Doses, cost, potential side-effects all should be understood and known before buying any medicine.

If spraying continues even after you have taken good care of your Russian blue, visit the vet immediately. Some underlying health problems can cause your pet to urinate occasionally or mark outside of their litter box, so be sure to get them checked.

What You Should Not Do When Your Russian Blue Is Marking?

When treating Russian cat urine marking, there are few things you need to keep in mind and avoid doing. They are as follows:

  • No! Never rub your Russian blue nose in its urine or feces.
  • Do not yell or throw things at your cat.
  • Never physically or forcibly drag your cat to the litter box.

See! Punishment should never consider an option to change your Russian cat’s behavior. It will only cause fear, anxiety & more spraying. Patience, support & positive training is what you need to have & do!

Other Ways Russian Blue Use To Marking

Russian Cats will use scent glands on their feet, cheeks, face, and tail as well as urine & poop to leave the scent or mark the territory. The ways they use are as follows-

  • Rubbing with paws, butt & flanks on objects or someplace is a way to leave the scent and make other cats aware of the ownership. Rubbing against the cat owner using their head or face is a form to tell other cats to back off.
  • Scratching is another form of marking and not just flexing & sharpening their claws. They have scent glands on the footpads, and when they scratch, they are also leaving the scent. It is visible evidence too.
  • Licking the owner is also a way of marking and spreading the scent because the cat’s saliva carries a scent too.


There you go, you have learned the reasons behind Russian blue marking their territory with urine and poop. So, let them do it when they are marking but remember to wash it as soon as possible after they finish marking. Also remember, if they are spraying too much urine then it can be because of other underline health problem which needs to care.

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