9 Personality Traits of a Russian Blue Cat

7 Personality Traits of A Russian Blue Cat

Have you been wondering why your Russian Blue loves to be around you but retreats when you have guests over? Do you find it strange how your Blue is excited to greet you when you return home one second, and the next is trying to isolate itself in the corner of the house?

There are many aspects of a Russian Blue cat personality traits that will help you form a better bond with them. For instance, even though they are sociable, they also crave downtime. Why does your Russian Blue sometimes seem to get the blues?

Below, I have all the explanations you need to understand your Russian Blue personality. Furthermore, you will also learn why they act the way they do!

What are the Major Personality Traits of a Russian Blue Cat?

There are some very distinct and interesting personality traits of Russian Blues which make them so lovable. Furthermore, this particular breed of cats is one of the most intelligent.

They are also inquisitive yet composed, and they like your company but are not too dependent.

Hence, let us look at the details of their temperament to understand what makes them such great household pets!


Russian Blues are a mild-mannered, loyal, and intelligent cat breed. Although they love playing with you, they will also want to get some downtime. They are active but also have the tendency to look for a private spot in the house simply to sleep!

Hence, make sure that you provide them with a cat bed or a scratching post with a “nest” on top. This will allow them a place on which they can lie down. Additionally, the best spot for a scratching post is next to a window so that your Russian Blue can soak in some sunlight.


This breed of cats is intelligent, which means that they constantly require not only physical but also mental stimulation.

In order to satiate their need for mental stimulation, you can provide them with toys that require them to play with them to get a reward. For instance, an interactive toy that releases food if your Russian Blue is able to “solve the puzzle” is the best bet!

Also Read: Best Toys for Russian Blue Cat


Another important thing to keep in mind, if you have a Russian Blue kitten is that they are a lot more active. Hence, do not get the wrong impression if they are pulling apart your closet or parts of your house. They are sure to become a lot calmer as they grow older.

However, even adult Russian Blues can get themselves into some mischief. Russian Blues, in general, are highly intelligent and constantly looking for mental stimulation. Hence, make a note not to leave important items around the house that your Blue could possibly get their paws on!

Nonetheless, be sure to leave a number of toys, which will allow them to manipulate them to get hidden treats. This will ensure that your Blue is entertained while you are away. Furthermore, this will also prevent your Blue from wanting to ruin some other valuable item/part of your house.

Also Read: Supplies For Russian Blue Cat

Are They Really Social?

Moreover, although they seem sociable around you, they might shy away from people that they do not know. Hence, do not be startled if they become a bit aloof around your houseguests. There is a good chance that they will warm up to them soon and start acting like themselves again.


Additionally, Russian Blues also prefer to remain clean! This includes not only a clean litter box but also clean paws and a clean coat of fur. Hence, do not be surprised if you catch them licking or scratching themselves to rid themselves of dirt.

This particular habit of keeping themselves clean should only make your job that much easier as a cat owner!

Easy to Train

Moreover, because of their friendly demeanor, their intelligence, and their liveliness, it is very easy to train them. Be sure to check out the article How to Train Russian Blues on our website too!

Finally, because Russian Blues are mild-mannered, they are naturally easy to take care of. Hence, below I have some tips on how best to do so.


Russian Blues are known for being very chill cats. They have a relaxed and easy-going personality that makes them great pets for people who want a cat that is laid-back and calm. They are not the type of cat that gets super hyper and crazy all the time. Instead, they are content to just hang out and relax most of the day.

Russian Blues are still playful, though. They love to play with toys and games, and they enjoy spending time with their owners. But even when they’re playing, they don’t get too wild or crazy. They’re just happy to have fun and spend time with their favorite humans.

Because Russian Blues are so mellow, they’re great for people who don’t have a lot of time to spend with their pets. They don’t need a lot of attention or stimulation to be happy. They’re perfectly content to just lounge around the house and be part of the family.


So, Russian Blue cats are known for being very in tune with their owners’ moods and emotions. They have a great ability to pick up on subtle changes in their environment, including changes in their owner’s behavior and mood.

If their owner feels down or upset, a Russian Blue may come over and curl up next to them, nudge them with their head, or emit a low, soothing sound. They may also use their paw to touch or tap their owner’s hand or leg in a reassuring way.

This sensitivity is one of the reasons why Russian Blues make such great companions. They have a gentle nature and are very aware of their owner’s body language and behavior.

If you’re feeling sad or upset, your Russian Blue may be the first to notice and come over to comfort you. They can be a great source of emotional support, especially if you’re going through a tough time.

Overall, Russian Blues are loyal, affectionate, and deeply attuned to their owner’s needs and emotions. They’re not just cute and playful, but they can also be great companions who are there for you when you need them.

Taking Care of Russian Blues

Now that you have all the details of their temperament, it will simplify the task of taking care of them. However, there are things that you need to keep in mind to provide your cat with the best care.

For instance, your Russian Blue will always want to have a clean litter box. If there is a lack of a clean litter box, chances are high that they will go look for a cleaner spot in your house to relieve themselves!

Furthermore, because of their easygoing demeanor, it is easy to take care of them. Especially in regard to bathing them, grooming them, and cleaning their ears, eyes, and teeth. Hence, if you have a Blue consider yourself lucky since this breed is one of the easiest to care for.

For more information, you can check out the article, How to Clean and Groom Russian Blues!

Three Sub-Breeds of Russian Blues and Their Personalities

The first Russian Blues recorded in history was back in 1875 in Russia. However, during World War II, this cat breed was almost pushed into extinction because some breeders crossbred them with blue Siamese and British Shorthairs.

However, soon after the war ended, some breeders in the U.S.A. and Britain bred them again and restored them back to their original breed.

The reason I am stating these facts is that in the present day there are three distinct sub-breeds of Russian Blues with distinct personality traits. Hence, let us look at these sub-breeds and understand how their personalities differ from each other.

1. Siberian/Scandinavian Blues

This sub-breed of Russian Blues is a bit smaller than the average Russian blues. Their fur is usually darker, and their ears are farther away from each other than the other sub-breeds.

They also tend to be less friendly and more reserved. Hence, Siberian/Scandinavian Blues are the least favorite amongst most cat breeders.

2. American Blues

The American sub-breed of Russian Blues is medium-sized Blues with lighter-colored fur. Their ears are widely spaced but not so much as the Siberian/Scandinavian Blue.

Most importantly, they are the friendliest of the Blues and love to socialize with everyone, including strangers! Hence, if you are looking for a Blue with these personality traits, you are in luck! Most breeders prefer this sub-breed too!

3. British Blues

The British Blues are moderately sociable among the three sub-breeds of Blues. They have a powerful build and ears that are closer together, which point straight up. Hence, if you are looking to adopt a Blue who is not clingy but still affectionate, then British Blues are the way to go!

Fun Facts about Russian Blues

  1. People have speculated that Tom from the hit cartoon show Tom & Jerry is a Russian Blue. This is simply due to its bright green eyes and blue-gray fur. Therefore, maybe a cat toy featuring Tom could possibly be a cute gift idea for your own Blue!
  2. This is rare, but some Russian Blues are born with markings on their fur called “ghost stripes”. They are markings on their body, which disappear when the kitten grows older. Hence, if the cat seller is telling you the markings are ghost stripes and will not last forever, you can take their word for it!
  3. Remember the viral video of the Nyan Cat, which surfaced a few years ago? Yes, you guessed it, the Nyan Cat is a Russian Blue!
  4. If you are looking for a slightly comical-looking cat, which is still elegant in appearance, a Russian Blue could be your best option. They have a slightly upturned mouth, which gives them the look of having a slight smile or sneer. Hence, this definitely makes for a unique look for your furry little friend!
  5. Finally, according to ancient folklore, people would put Russian Blues in chambers with newborns to chase away evil spirits. Although this may not be necessary for your household, it could not hurt to have one around, right?

FAQs of Personality Traits of a Russian Blue Cat

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about “Personality Traits of a Russian Blue Cat.”

Are Russian Blues good with children?

Yes, Russian Blues are known for being good with children. They are gentle and patient cats, and they often form strong bonds with kids. However, as with any cat, it’s important to supervise interactions between children and cats to ensure that both are safe and happy.

How do I take care of a Russian Blue cat?

Taking care of a Russian Blue cat is pretty simple! Make sure they have food, water, and a clean litter box. Give them plenty of playtime and love, and take them to the vet for regular check-ups. They’re pretty low-maintenance cats, which makes them a great choice for families with busy schedules.


If you have younger children, elderly people, or people with special needs in your household, Russian Blues are perfect for you. This is mainly due to their calm mannerisms.

However, be sure to remember that they do require mental stimulation just as much as physical stimulation. Therefore, do not think that letting them run around the house is enough!

Always make a note to provide them with plenty of mentally challenging toys. The ideal ones are the ones that will release a treat/reward at the end!

Finally, even with all the toys and mental stimulation, do not forget to spend quality time with your Russian Blue. Although they love their downtime, they also love the company of their favorite human!

So do you like the above personality traits of a Russian Blue cat?

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