Russian Blue Cat Buying Guide | Things to Know Before Purchasing Russian Blues

Russian Blue Cat Buying Guide

Whenever you want to purchase or adopt any kind of pet animal, you need to conduct research about that animal. You will have to consider all the changes that will occur in your lifestyle, schedule, travel, work, etc. Not to forget what you would want in a pet, and what it wants from you. Likewise, it is important when choosing a Russian Blue Cat you need to understand certain characteristics of the cat. Such as physical appearance, temperament, care, cost, etc. Here, you will learn about the Russian Blue Cat buying guide in detail.

Based on their classic short, dense, and plush “blue” coat comes the name of Russian Blue Cats. The Russian Blues are exceptionally intelligent, docile, and the family loves. With a weight of up to 12 pounds, they are very stable, medium-sized cats. Two forms of Russian Blue, the European and the American, are widely known. Their proportions and body shape distinguish them primarily.

You will find the detailed characteristics of the Russian Blue Cat breed along with the buying guide.

What Is A Russian Blue?

Not recognized as many breeds of cats, Russian Blue are an unusual breed. The cat has plush coverings that vary from gray to blue to silver. To add, the eyes are an almond shape that changes from yellow to green.

The breeders traced the Russian Blue Cat’s root back to the ferocious line of blue cats from 17th century Russia. There are two distinct lines today due to diligent breeding. One, the tall, stocky Russian Blue cat from Europe. As well as, the slender, lithe American Russian Blue cat.

Combined with the natural and elegant presentation of the breed, this unusually lovely appearance has provided the Russian Blue Cat with its passion in the UK, the United States, and the rest of the world.

Personality Guide of Russian Blue Cat

The Russian Blues is a very gentle race. They are therefore an appropriate pet for families with younger children, older people, and individuals with special needs. Russian Blue cats are fantastic ‘family cats’ and sometimes they will behave more like humans than felines. Even opening and shutting the door by themselves.

Besides, they also enjoy playing, jumping, climbing, and just being a fun pet. The Russian Blue cat’s high intelligence will often appear to be reserved or highly cautious at the beginning. Nevertheless, they are just keen observers of their social and environmental dynamics.

This is why you cannot automatically warm up your Russian Blue cat to strangers (human or animal). However, these nice cats will welcome new animals into their lives completely with some time and with patience.

The Temperament of Russian Blue Cat

The Russian Blue Cat likes its routine schedule like most of the other races. They are not very fond of unnecessary changes. All the Russian Blue cats want is to be fed and not move the furniture around a lot.

Although, your Russian Blue Cat would never need you to continuously pay attention to him or pet him. Even without much physical contact can remain happy. However, these cats need your company and can grow very lonely when left alone for several long periods.

If there is a chance of this happening, I recommend that you purchase two Russian Blue kittens instead of just one. Doing this is not of absolute importance. Especially, if you can give your kitten love, affection, and time.

Like any other breeds, Russian Blue cats also enjoy the time outdoors. You should, however, make sure that the outside environment is safe for them. The good news is that Russians are well suited to living as animals when you give them ample mental stimulation to sustain their minds.

Russian Blue cats appear to be somewhat restricted around people that they do not recognize.  They prefer to observe them first. Due to this, often people feel that Russian Blues are distant and reserved. Nevertheless, if a cat chooses to pay attention to a human, they go up to say “hello.” They love to get as much attention as possible from their owners and want a lot of pettings.

Russian Blue Cat Appearance Buying Guide

The Russian has a thick, short, luxurious coat that is the trademark of the breed. They are incredibly graceful, medium to large cats that have muscular, smooth bodies and sleek, long limbs. The male Russian Blues are generally are heavier and bigger than females.

The general idea for a healthy Russian Blue Cat buying guide is to look for reliable physical conditions. Cat with firm muscle tone and showing traits of environmental alertness. Let us see the appearance you need to seek as a Russian Blue cat buying guide in detail.


When you seek to purchase the Russian Blue Cat, the first thing that you will notice is its face. Starting from the head. The head of Russian Blue is a sleek, medium-length wedge, which is not long and tampered with. It is neither short nor massive.

The muzzle of the cat, which is the part of its face consisting of nose and mouth, is blunt. It does not have any inflated pinch or whisker break being a part of the total wedge.

You may see the top of the skull of the Russian Blue Cat being long and smooth in profile. The skull slopes somewhat above the eyes. Going further in a downward angle in a straight line, you will get to the tip of the nose.

There is no pause, bump or split in the nose, and their chins are in perfect shape with nose tips. Russian Blue Cat’s top head length should be larger than the nose length. Because of the big eye and thick fur, the face is wide around the eyes.


The Russian Blue Cat’s muzzle, consisting of nose and mouth is a smooth, flowing wedge. There are no prominent whisker pads and whiskers pinches.


When you see a Russian Blue Cat, the ears at the base are usually very wider and broader. Whereas, if you see the tip of the ear, they are not rounded but very pointed.

The ear skin is thin and transparent. It has very little internal furnishing. On the other hand, short but fine hairs showing leather conceal the outside ear scantly.

One of the notable ear features of Russian Blue Cat is they are set apart. Hence, when you check the Russian Blues check that the ears are on the far side of its head.


One of the prominent features of the Russian Blue Cat is their eyes. Mysterious and intriguing. The color of the eyes as kittens will be yellow. Once the cats turn 4 months old, you will notice vivid green rings forming around the iris.

They have a big eye that is almost almond-shaped, and emerald green. Just like the ears, Russian Blue’s eyes are also set wide apart.


Usually, it may seem that the Russian Blue has a short neck. However, this is not true. The neck of the Russian Blue Cat is in fact, long and slender. Due to their heavy, thick fur and high placement of shoulder blades.

In addition, the feline’s shoulder blades are not attached to bones but only muscles. This causes the blade to move tremendously as the cat runs, extending its course even further.


The nose size of the Russian is medium in length. You often see these cats with straight nose in a small pointy triangle shape.


Russian Blue Cat’s chin nicely aligns with the tip of the nose. You can even say that the chin is directly perpendicular to the end of the nose. The chins are high and profound and the cats have a good level of bite. It does not recede or become excessive.


The Russian Blue Cat has a medium to broad body with a very graceful contour. The elegant, yet muscular body type of the Russian Blue led a cat judge to declare them as “Doberman Pinscher of cats.” These cats have a semi-foreign form of a body.

The body of Russian Blue is fine-boned, long, and firm. The cats may seem bigger than they appear due to the extensive coats of fur. The Russian Blues are luminous and sleek, without appearing tubular.


Long, slender legs support the body of Russian Blues. The legs are also fine-boned and strong.


Russian Blue Cat’s fine-boned legs are set upon slightly rounded or oval paws. The cat’s paws have pads that are pinky lavender or mauve shade. Along with it, they have five toes in front and four toes behind.


Even though the tail of Russian Blue Cats is long, the tail is medium in proportion to the body of the cat. Narrowing from a moderately thick base, you will see it curve at the end.

Russian Blue Cat Coat Color Buying Guide

The main characteristic of the Russian Blue Cat is its hue. The cat may look gray to the uninformed, but in terms of cat display, it can be bright blue with silvery hair. This is a brilliant look in the Russian Blue.

Some Russian Blue cats come from “ghost stripes,” a reminder of the tabby gene, which all cats carry even when not expressed in their hair. This usually disappears, leaving the cat with a strong blue maturity.

The cat’s coat is short, dense, fine, and plush. Though shorthaired, the Russian Blues have a very thick two-layered coat. Their inner coat is soft and low, while the external layer is evenly polished with silver tips. Because of the density, the double coat distinguishes it from the body.

Dense, silky, and plucky, the hair sticks out 45 degrees, so you can trace patterns actually in it. The traces stay intact until you smooth your hand over them.

Russian Blue Cat Shedding

Although some pet cats intensively shed coats, irrespective of the length (short or long), with Russian blue you will never have this issue. The cats are “low” in the shedding list, partly because of their natural short coats and partly because of their personality, which they provide meticulous personal care.

Know that the easiest way to cut down shedding and possible hairballs is probably a daily brushing. Learn here the best cleaning and grooming tips for your Russian blue.

Russian Blue Cat Cost Buying Guide

Are you curious about how much a Russian Blue kitten will cost when you buy them from a breeder? The relative rarity of this race in comparison with other far more common cat races is reflecting a lot in the Russian Blue Cat price. Therefore, usually ranges between 400$ and 600$ USD.

Before selecting the breeder, please ask what the original price is included. It is perfectly okay to wonder why one breeder charges a higher price than all the other does. The breeder may have a championship line or more extras, such as vaccination, which may be included in the total price.

Russian Blue Cat Health Factors

Russian Blue Cats live about 15 years, but they can live longer when well looked after. Some Russian Blues can live for around 25 years old!

Their size is medium. Healthy male Russian Blue weighs approximately 6 kg and the women weigh approximately 4 kg. Overall, the Russian Blue Cats breed is very healthy. You may not face any particular big health concerns. Mainly because they are a race of naturally occurring cats.

Few health issues you will have to pay attention to that might occur in your Russian Blues can be:

  • Often, bladder stones may occur in them.
  • Another common issue is obesity. This can lead to countless other health problems
  • Do not overfeed your Russian Blues. I know they love to eat and they rather encourage you to give them treats. You should not give in to this habit but have a habit of regular playtime.
  • It can be beneficial to have an annual health check-up with your veterinarian to make sure no health problems occur.
  • You can even ask breeders and shelters for a written testimony that guarantees the Russian Blue’s health. This is not a necessity but just a precaution just in case.

If you feel like learning about the diseases of Russian Blues in detail, check out our article Russian Blue Cat Disease, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention.


In general, the Russian Blue Cat breed has been known to be pretty, intelligent, elegant, long-lived, strong. Among the few hypoallergenic cats, which many cat allergic owners can maintain safely, the Russian Blue cat is the best.

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