Russian Blue Cat Pros And Cons

Russian Blue Cat Pros And Cons

Russian Blue can be one of the best blue cats you can have as a pet. But you might be wondering about all the bad things that follow the good qualities of the cat. And it is okay to wonder and question before getting a Russian blue. So, what are the Russian Blue Cat pros and cons? What are the things you need to worry about after you adopt these Russian Blue cats?

Russian blue cats are known for their friendly, affectionate, and loyal nature but they can be very shy and anti-social. These cats are very low maintenance but if you are not careful enough with the Blues diet, they are prone to gain weight.

These are just a few things that might be good and bad about Russian blues. There is more to know that’s why you must read the whole article as little knowledge can be dangerous.

If you are considering getting a Russian blue Cat for your house, read both pros and cons sections to not miss anything that might cause stress later.

Appearance Of Russian Blue

Before learning about the pros and cons of the Russian Blue cat, you have to know about them first and judge them later.

There are many blue cats in the market that you can pet and you can confuse them for Russian blue. That’s why it is quite important to what a Russian blue cat looks like.

Russian blues are blue cats that have greyish/bluish fur with silver-tipped hairs. These silver-tipped hairs give Russian blue a lustrous appearance or say a silvery sheen.

Russian blues are a medium-sized cat that grows 10 inches in height and 7 to 15 pounds in weight on average.

The most fantastic and eye-catching feature of these cats is probably their double-coated furry body. Their slender, lean, fine-boned yet muscular body has a thick coat with short hairs that are velvety and very soft to touch.

The undercoat has a darker shade of bluish, grayish fur however the outer layer of a coat with guard hair is silver-tipped.

Their triangular head confines two pointed yet wide ears, emerald green eyes, and a friendly yet curious expression within.

Personality Of Russian Blue Cat

Before you know the cons and pros of Russian blue cat you need to know how they behave and what they want. Now, let’s talk about the personality and temperament of the hero of this article, the Russian Blue cat.

Russian Blue cats have an equally good personality as they are to look at. They are very shy yet intelligent and calm cats.

These blues are known for their smartness and peaceful nature thus will not give you hard time with noises.

Russian blue also has this smiling face and is called “Mona Lisa” among the cats for that very smiling expression.

These cats are very gentle and docile as well as fun-loving and friendly. They can act distant with strangers and hide away from them but will play comfortably with family members.

They like to climb and jump but are not destructive and loud. Russian Blues are the most wonderful house cat you can have if you don’t want a clingy one.

Here, you can learn more about Russian Blue cat personality traits in detail.

Russian Blue Cat Pros

After discussing their background, appearance, and temperament, you’ll have subtle ideas about these Russian blues.

But it is better to have complete knowledge about the pros and cons associated with the cat you are planning to adopt.

This will help you decide faster and clearly as it is human nature to compare well with the bad properly first.

Stay positive and read the given pros carefully to decide if the glass is half full or half empty in the case of Russian Blue.

Russian Blue Cats Are Hypoallergenic

Cats and allergies go side by side most of the time making it hard for people with allergies to adopt and pet a cat.

So, if you are one of them or you have someone in the family who is allergic to the cat, no worries Russian Blue cat is an instant solution to your permanent dilemma.

The cat saliva and skin secretions have the Fel d1 protein that causes itching and wheezing in people. As well as the dander that a cat produces can cause allergic reactions and irritates allergies.

Russian blue cats are known for shedding less hair and having lower levels of Fel d1 that causes allergy to humans. But this doesn’t mean they can’t cause allergies, they can but rarely and barely.

Here, you can learn more about the Russian Blue cat Hypoallergenic in detail.

Russian Blue Cat Has Very Low Voice

Russian blue is not vocal as other breeds but they can be talkative if they choose to be. These cats are pretty vocal around the people they are comfortable with but have a very low voice.

Russian blues have a quiet voice and are very soft-spoken when it comes to being vocal about something. That doesn’t mean they are mute or anything, they are not.

Russian blue meows a lot when they want something from you, it can be anything like food, water, cuddles, affection, etc.

But these cats will have a subtle voice and won’t make loud noises to get your attention.

Lifespan Of Russian Blue

Everyone wants a cat that can be with them for a longer period of stay forever. But there isn’t an immortal cat or a cat that can change into human beings and live longer like Professor McGonagall from Harry Potter.

But you can have a cat that has a slightly longer lifespan than most breeds. Russian blue cats can live up to 15 to 20 years if they are well cared for.

There is even an instance where a Russian blue has been proven to live for a quarter-century i.e., 25 years.

Low Maintenance Cats

Russian Blue cats are a blessing for the people who want to pet a cat but can’t due to time management issues.

These cats have no extra demands and ask for no extra attention from their owner. They will play alone and wander around the house.

Indoor cats like Russian blue makes life easier for people who barely have time to walk the cat around or take it outside for outdoor activities. But there are some things which you know before letting Russian blue outside.

You can feed them twice a day, give them some toys, and can leave the house for your work without worrying.

You don’t have to go the extra mile to search for things for Russian blue. These cats will be happy with the toys you provide them at home or with the naptime on the bookshelves.

Russian Blue Cat Is Intelligent, Affectionate, Calm But Not Clingy

Russian blue is a smart and intelligent cat that loves puzzle games with treats. They are quite playful and will learn to be around people once they get familiar.

These cats will cuddle around you and sit in your lap whenever they feel like it but won’t make you do this all day.

Russian blues are very calm yet curious without causing any destruction or chaos in the house. Likewise, they prefer their alone time making themselves comfortable with the silence. In case, they get hyperactive then here are some tips to calm your hyperactive Russian blue.

These may not be Professor McGonagall from Harry Potter with the ability to transform but Russian Blue surely is magical and mesmerizing.

Russian Blues Are Easy To Train

Most of the time cats give you hard time because you don’t know how to train Russian blue so people go for dogs.

That’s not the case with these cute, intelligent cats. Russian blues are very easy to train if you are willing to train them.

They catch up with the stuff faster making it easier for their owners to learn about them too. You will train your Russian blue while the Russian blue will train you accordingly.

You can even teach them to fetch games, a game that is basically associate with dogs. Unlike any other temperamental cats, Russian blue is calm enough to sit and learn without making a fuss.

You need to give them enough space to learn things, a climbing area where they can learn to climb, and that will be enough.

No General Health Issues Related To Russian Blue Breed

One of the headaches that can follow after the adoption of a pet is their health issues. Some of the cats are born with genetically associated diseases whereas some are prone to diseases after they are born.

And there comes Russian blue, a naturally occurring purebred, with no health issues apart natural to them.

Although there is a possibility of kidney stones and other Urinary tract diseases, these can be solved with simple basic level care.

Once they are vaccinated and taken for a routine check-up once in a while, you can stress-free about their health.

Russian Blue Cat Is Independent

Cats can be clingy and demanding all the time but that’s not the case with Russian blue. They will do fine even without your assistance.

They won’t ask for your attention all the time as these cats are intelligent enough to tackle with stressing situations.

Once they are well-trained about everything, from drinking water to the litter box, playing around to nap time, they will not ask for your help.

Russian blue prefers their alone time and a peaceful environment. They will not mind you being gone all day as these cats will find to do something on their own.

That doesn’t mean they won’t miss you or won’t prefer playing with you, Russian blue needs their human friend around and love when you play with them.

Try to come back home soon and find your cat greeting you with a happy face at the door of your home.

Russian Blue Cat Is A House Cat

Russian blue is an indoor cat that will do well in the house with family members too. They won’t mind being around people as long as they are people the cat knows.

Unless and until a stranger walks through the door, they will be loving and caring with its human family. These cats will swipe at the stranger and run away to their hiding place.

You can even keep them in a small apartment where there are things nearby. You’ll think cats will go around and destroy things this close, but no Russian blue will not do anything like that. Moreover, learn how to create great space for Russian blue.

They are great in a household with people or even in an apartment that barely welcomes people.

Compatible With Dogs And Kids

If you have kids or dogs at home and want to adopt a cat too but worried if they will do well together or not, then here is an instant solution for you: Russian Blue.

These cats are great with both dogs and kids without making a fuss or throwing a tantrum for divided attention. If you are keeping your Russian blue for the first time with your dogs then you may want to learn how to keep your Russian blue better with dogs.

Compatible With Other Cats

If you are careful enough with the stages and steps of the introduction of Russian blue with other cats, you can have two or more cats in the same house.

They are okay with other cats being in the house as long as they have the same temperament. Russian Blue is a calm and peace-loving cat thus they won’t prefer a cat that is destructive and disturbing.

These cats make your life simpler even when you want to be a cat mom/dad to many cats. Just remember to be patient and calm while introducing your cats to each other.

The introduction part is quite crucial if they are going to live together and stay compatible.

Russian Blue Cat Cons

Now you have learned about the pros of a Russian blue cat, it’s time to know the cons to compare and decide.

It will make your task easier to choose whether to pet a Russian Blue cat or not. Most of the time people choose Russian blue Cat over all the cons for their pros. This is because most of the cons are easily manageable.

But again, it’s completely up to you and what you want. Let’s get some help to make it smooth and less stressful. That;’s why you must know how to care Russian blue cat.

Here are some of the cons Russian Blue brings with it, and most of them are, as already stated, manageable.

Obesity In Russian Blue

Obesity is a nutritional disease that your Russian blue has to acquire as its own. These blues love food more than anything and can’t figure out when to stop eating.

Russian blues are prone to obesity and getting overweight. These are the indoor cats with fewer activities to do and hate exercises that help them to burn some calories.

It is stressful how you have to be alert about their calorie intake and carbs in their food. You have to look closely for cat foods that are low on carbs and high on animal proteins.

Russian Blue also needs someone to monitor their feeding frequency. They can go eating 10 to 15 times a day without knowing when to stop.

You have to make sure and worry about overfeeding or underfeeding them all the time. Or else, obesity welcomes its best friends like diabetes, high blood pressure, urinary tract issues, etc. along with it.

Shy, Anti-Social, And Distant Nature Of Russian Blue Cats

Russian blue is a very shy cat that will barely open up to anyone unless you are someone from the family. They need time to warm up to everyone in the family including you.

It can act distant and rude until they are comfortable enough to roam around the house and are familiar with family members.

These cats will swipe at the strangers and run the other away to their hiding place in the fear of socialization.

They will not help you make friends in the malls or on the streets although they will be cute for people to approach.

These blues are indoor cats that will be happy to stay inside the house and look outside for the view from the window.

Longer Lifespan Of Russian Blue

As you can see longer lifespan has found its way in both pros and cons list of the Russian blue cat. It is because for certain reasons that might not even be a problem for most people.

A longer lifespan means more expenses and extra care for a long period. Well, someone might not have the luxury to provide the same care and diet for these Russian blue cats throughout their life or the cat’s life.

Human beings have many ups and downs in their life and financial crisis is quite common among them. In those dark times with a low budget, you have to worry about cats too, what you are going to feed them and how you will care for them.

Moreover, once a cat gets used to with luxurious lifestyle, they’ll barely shift to something lower than that.

This can be quite stressful and worrisome for you while you are going through other stresses in life already.

Loneliness In Russian Blue Cat

Even though Russian blue adjusts well with your working schedule with no complaints, they need you. You have to remember they want their human friend as much as you need a friend in life.

You can’t let them sit at home without you for days. They will adjust to your working hours but you need to come back home to them.

Russian blue cats tend to get depressed and sad when they are left alone for a longer time. These cats are living beings too and want affection and love once in a while.

Russian Blue Lookalikes Are More Than Purebred

The soft copy of every branded product covers the whole market most of the time. Real products barely reach people due to the high price than the first second copies.

The same thing happens with the Russian Blue cat. These cats are one of the oldest and purest breeds thus has so many variations due to cross-breeding.

There are so many lookalikes like Russian Blue that it becomes confusing to distinguish between them and domestic shorthair cat.

This is very problematic as well as a good thing if you want a cat with Russian blue traits. The lookalikes are cheaper but don’t have all the features as Russian Blue.

If you want a Russian blue cat for its emerald green eyes, will you adjust with the one with brown or blue eyes?

No right, but these lookalikes and their availability make it difficult to get a hand on real ones from real breeders.

Also, there are different breeds of blue cats like Korat, Chartreux, Burmese, etc. that can be sold mistakenly as Russian Blue.

You have to research well and ask for a pedigree from the breeders to confirm the breed you are getting.

Russian Blue Cats Are Rare

Rarity can be quite confusing as it is hard to know where to put this one in the list. This can be both pros and cons of Russian Blue Cat, so you decide it yourself.

These cats, as already said, are the purest and oldest breeds of cats, hence the purebred Russian Blue is very rare to find. Most of the cats available in the market are a mixed breed of these cats with other cats.

It can be quite difficult, sometimes impossible to find a pure breed of Russian blue while you go to buy them.

Very few breeders raise and breed pure kittens of Russian blue and put them on sale. It is hard to find and locate these breeders so people tend to deviate for lookalikes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to the few FAQs that are winning the competition of being the most searched questions about Russian Blue.

Do Russian Blue Have Health Issues?

No, Russian blues are the naturally occurring breed meaning they are naturally fit and healthy cats. They have very little or no inherited diseases and no diseases that are associated with their name only.

Although there is a risk of urinary tract issues as well as kidney stones like many other cats due to their hatred for water.

The most concerning issues related to the health of Russian blue is Obesity, a nutritional disease. These cats are prone to obesity and tend to get overweight, thanks to their love for food and not knowing when to stop.

They won’t get fat or obese unless you are careless enough to feed them foods high in carbs rather than animal proteins. Be careful and You’ll have a healthy and happy cat.

Do Russian Blue Make Good Pets?

Yes! Absolutely. There is no doubt or confusion when it comes to Russian blue making a good pet. And if you lead a busy life and work a 10 to 5 job, even then you’ll have these cats waiting and greeting for you at door without throwing any tantrums.

These Russian blues are low-maintenance and independent as well as curious and intelligent. They might be shy and distant at first but will warm up with the family soon and starts playing around once they are fully comfortable.

Russian blues are calm, affectionate but not clingy, smart, and tend to form a deeper bond with one particular person even if they love the whole family.

Are Russian Blue Cats Aggressive?

No, Russian blue cats are not aggressive rather they are friendly and affectionate towards their human friend.

However, these cats can be shy, anti-social, and distant to strangers and swipe at them and run off to their hiding place if they tease /her.

It is quite understandable though, no one likes to be bullied or forced to do things they don’t like doing. As long as they are around family members they know, even kids and dogs, they will be very loving and playful.


In conclusion, Russian blue is an ideal house cat regardless of the cons like obesity, anti-social nature, etc. They will love you unconditionally and wait for you to come home. These cats are independent and won’t ask for your presence all the time. As long as you take care of their diet and basic needs as you will for any other cat, you’ll do just fine with Russian Blue too.

Even if you are not attentive and caring enough and given a cat with all the pros and no con, you’ll still mess up things. These Russian blues ask for very little things that are easy to give. Just be patient with them and let them choose you and your family as their own.

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